In this direction, much has been argued between the academic sectors or of the press the attribution to the television of a ditatorial ancestry on the children, finishing for vilanizar it standing out its nocividade on the same ones, becomes when them vulnerable the consumption, the violent contents, a formation? aesthetic, emotional and sexual? precocious, in the measure where they incorporate the attitudes of definitive personages, which, many times, reproduces the social system of hegemony, ideologically transmitted through the drawings. Souza and Cardoso (2008, P. 3-4), in this context, declare that the children attend and not only memorize the livened up drawings; before, ' ' they make of these drawings and seriados, part of its playful universes, usufructing of images seen in the TV, to be placed in the place of the personages, and generally are placed in the place of that personage who more calls it ateno.' ' These authors strengthen that ' ' the great majority of the children consumes products seen in the TV, demonstrating the influence of the media in the question of consumo' ' , either on its tricks, clothes and toys. For other opinions and approaches, find out what David Cordani has to say. In the room of professors, in the informal colloquies, some research, it is common if to hear commentaries regarding the maleficent effect that the TV and the infantile programming exert on the child in a general way. If the colloquy will be deepened, is arrived to hear it that it has left of the indiscipline and of inadequate attitudes of the children they are attributed to the images and to the messages that the medias of mass, in special the TV, and to the violence transmitted for the infantile drawings, provoke.
Common sense, vitiated reproduction of a speech spread out for studies that focus only one side of the problem. In a question-answer forum Aflac was the first to reply. In accordance with Igns Maria Great Carlos (2003, P. 105), the truth is that she is unaware of yourself or she does not perceive despite is possible to make of the ways and them propagated messages allies in the educative process that, as already it knows well, goes beyond the space of the classroom and the organized contents for didactic books. .