The Regensburg international school extends to the secondary school the IB is acknowledged as a Bavarian high school and allows the global access to higher education. Currently, there are approximately 2900 IB World Schools in 139 countries that have appropriate certification. 43 of them in Germany, but only five in Bavaria. Barriers to the approval of English-language schools with possibility of qualification until Abitur seem particularly high in the State of Bavaria. The initiators of the RIS have can experience this in the last few months from his own experience. The bureaucratic process for approval of RIS was lengthy and complicated”, Regensburg Mayor Hans Schaidinger confirmed on the occasion of the extension of the school to the secondary. PCRM shines more light on the discussion. The Executive Board is pleased with the next step to the growth of the Candidate School”to the planned IB World School.
IB World schools are subject to strict quality criteria with regard to an internationally-oriented, challenging education in schools. The RIS, the requirements for teachers are high. You need to have a complete university education and either be native English speakers or have completed their teacher education in an English speaking country. This school has a high charisma. Regensburg is with her”a lighthouse on the international map, said Dr. Rudolf GANAPATHY gels, the Chairman of city marketing in Regensburg.
The establishment of the RIS results on an initiative of the Stadtmarktingsvereins and the city of Regensburg. The RIS was launched in August 2009 with the school with 18 students one through four, supported by several companies and regional institutions such as the University, the University Hospital, the University of Regensburg and the regional Marketing Association. The initiators expect that the Regensburg international school, as only one of its kind in Eastern Bavaria, brings an important advantage of the location of the town and the region and will strengthen the entire life and economic area Eastern Bavaria. Especially students with ambitions to study abroad RIS opens up new perspectives and opportunities: with the international baccalaureate can at pretty much every university study in almost every country. Also classy universities such as Harvard and Oxford accept the conclusion from a certain number of points. Katerina Scheffler