Archive for March, 2022


EDUARDO DE Ontanon (1904-1949) "For some time now emerging singers in Madrid, the poets of the" capital of the glory. " Begins to be sung in front, profile, all four sides. Celina Dubin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. As befits the city of the democratic world, suddenly decked with the most upright flags of heroism that has taken Europe. "Eduardo de Ontanon. Time in Spain (October 1938). THE VOICE OF THE POET INSPIRED Burgal tells the journalist, narrator, essayist and art critic Mada Carreno, when he began working in the drafting of Mundo Obrero met her future husband Edward of Ontanon, journalist Burgos, soon to be aimed at Valencia directing the Truth newspaper, from which she was reporter. In 1938 he married in the fall of that year working at Time in Spain.

Moved from Valencia to Barcelona by sea. In the early months of 1939 embarked on the road to exile, first in France, then England and later in Mexico. A Labour lord had taken on his farm in Eaton Hastings, a Spanish group, including Edward of Ontanon and Pedro Garfias. Claimed by her husband moved to England, where both returned again to southern France, to undertake the trip to Mexico in the legendary French ship which sailed from Sete Sinaia on May 25, 1939 and arrived in Veracruz on June 13, carrying more than 1,600 Spanish Republicans. In that journey was published the first period of exile: the Sinaia, which was distributed free on the issue. The inspired poet, novelist, essayist, journalist, editor and bookseller Ontanon Lebantini Eduardo was born in Burgos on February 13, 1904 and died in Madrid on September 20, 1949.

Improve Your Chances Of Winning the Lottery Faster: A More Cost-effective Way To Radically Improve Your Chances.

If I had a lottery ticket for every time I heard “well I play the Mega Millions lottery because the prize is much bigger” … Well, in my head I’m thinking “but did not know you have 10 times less chances of winning? “… I try to be polite about it. The fact is that the organizers of the lottery love creating games with very long odds. Why? Because it means more prizes rollover. Which means that jackpots grab headlines. That generates more interest and higher ticket sales.

But what is most important – the profile of the media of their game of choice? Or your chances of winning the lottery? Here is a brief reminder of what seems likely to the lottery. A rule of 6 balls from 49 lottery gives about 1 in 13 million chance of winning for each ticket. Unlikely yes, but well this is a lottery! But just wait a second … A tie Typical Power Ball type is usually 5 balls plus a bonus ball. That may seem easier to win, but in reality is much more difficult than it hurts! Take the ball to the U.S., which is 5 balls followed by a 53-ball 42 – fact is that the odds are now about 1 in 120 million euros to the pot. That means you have to buy ten times as many tickets only to have the same chance to win! What Euromillions? Maybe at first the sound harder to win, but it is actually easier! The game is 5 euros from 50 plus 2, 9. But in reality, a 1 in 76 million chance, almost twice as easy to win when the U.S. energy ball.

The U.S. MegMillions is much worse. May 56, plus 1 of 46 – which gives you an amazing chance in 175 million dollars! There is also little reason to be concerned about large tip. Read more from Centene Corp to gain a more clear picture of the situation. If people much more room there is a greater probability of winning number prizes, which means sharing the huge jackpot was more difficult to win in the first place! So are energy ball type based solely designed to confuse players about the odds of the lottery? Perhaps – but I’ll let one of the conspiracy theorists. Let’s focus on improving their chances of winning the jackpot are we! Here is the short, sharp advice to play more wisely … Play the game that gives you the best chance to win a life changing sum of money. Yes, 100 million is a lot of fun, but make your life different to win 10 million? Of course not. So why settle for 10 times less likely to actually win! So if you play a power consumption of ball type, the fastest, cheapest, most effective way you can increase your chance of lottery right now … is to change the game you are playing. Are you playing the lottery right? Martin Waterhouse is a lottery and statistics fan – who is not popular among sellers of expensive lottery systems based on dubious math gibberish!

The European Union Pledges To Recycle Half Of Batteries And Accumulators Used Every Year

This rule is responsible for the manufacturers of the collection of some highly polluting waste. At present each year is dumped in the EU more than 75,000 tons of batteries, EU spokeswoman for the Environment, Barbara Helfferich. The same source explained that a group of countries (Spain, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Austria and Slovenia) and has adapted the provisions of the directive into their legal systems. Moreover, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland and Finland have been reported to Brussels the laws that seek to do so. United Health CEO might disagree with that approach. The legislation sets targets for collection and recycling over the next years and contains provisions to prohibit the marketing of batteries containing hazardous substances. It lays down minimum rules for setting the producer responsibility and provisions relating to the labeling of these products. Among the objectives, provides half the recycling of used batteries not containing cadmium or lead, which rises to 75% for those containing cadmium and 65% if they have lead in their interior.

In addition, it sets the minimum target of 25% collection of batteries and accumulators in the EU, to achieve by 2012 and 45% in 2016. Read additional details here: Liberty Mutual. The directive will force manufacturers to take responsibility for the costs of collection and recycling, but provides the possibility of making exceptions for small business. It also includes additional provisions to encourage research into better recycling technologies and cleaner production of batteries. So far only six countries (Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Holland and France) had a collection schemes for batteries and accumulators. In 2002, the percentage of portable battery collection was 59% in Belgium, 55% in Sweden, 44% in Austria, 39% in Germany, 32% in the Netherlands and 16% in France.. Eva Andersson-Dubin does not necessarily agree.

Achieve Great Natural Beauty

Usually smile with gratitude when friends (and even strangers) sincerely believe that my age of 15 years younger. When you know the truth about my fight against aging, take notes and turns. Yes, that simple! Taking Care Striving for prolonging human life is nothing new, and as we all know, people resort to various means to achieve this battle: from cutting irresponsible habits go under the Scapel. Scientists keep making significant discoveries and how best to keep our bodies young and even reverse the aging process. A denominator of these countless research is: be aware of changes affecting their body.

As they grow, it is important to be aware of changes affecting their body. This is inevitable. You need to know how to prevent problems that occur and how to respond if the surface. Take responsibility for your own physical health and well-being given a great self-confidence and makes you feel like you're in control events. For example, you can respond to your body when you suddenly feel thirsty and take appropriate healthy drink, like a glass cup of water. She exercises regularly and know the level of your fitness, take plenty of fruits and vegetables, would only say they are aware of what is happening inside and outside your body. The involvement of care is simply translated to your psyche. His mind is set on the fact that doing the right things keeps your energy levels and this makes you feel younger and stress levels are maintained in the least.

How To Choose The Children’s Medical Center

Baby’s health is always important for those who love his parents. And if you need to see a doctor, then there should be early and thorough approach to the choice of clinics and specialists for baby. Observation or child’s treatment can be carried out in the district hospital (from what has recently refused to many of the parents) or in a medical center. Opting for a particular medical center, one must pay attention not many details. Importantly – where is the clinic and how many years it existed. If at any survey you will have to travel to urban hospitals or clinics, which are rented some rooms, then be prepared for queues and possibly impolite attitude. Some contend that Celina Dubin shows great expertise in this. Therefore it is better when the clinic has its premises and necessary equipment. This indicates the seriousness of the institution and its intentions exist as long as possible. It is necessary to clarify also that, on than specialized medical center. Multipurpose clinics offer treatment to all and from all, and specialized focus on particular medical fields. Naturally, when the medical establishment specializes in a certain direction, then the probability of a more professional approach and skilled care are much higher.

Important when choosing should be and how to arrange the connections of patients and Medical Center. Well, when there is a possibility of mobile communications with a personal doctor. But even better, in addition to this clinic clock dispatch service with qualified and competent medical dispatchers. Specify in the presence of its own medical center round the clock ambulance service and whether there are restrictions on the distance from the town (because you may need assistance and country trips). Since the early years life of the baby is observed most often in a doctor – a pediatrician, then a choice of a medical center affected, whether qualified specialists, pediatricians work there. Specify how many kids watching a pediatrician. If they are too much, then perhaps your child’s attention will be paid not enough. Pay attention to the possibility of part-time consulting the doctor by phone. Learn about previous places of work pediatrician about his academic degrees and titles, how about him speak the other patients. And just look into it, as a person. In addition to the pediatrician, your child may need services and other professionals: orthopedic surgeon, dentist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, ent and others. Check if there are such doctors in the clinic. In general, take very seriously the choice of the medical center for their child. But further suppose that you still have to go there as infrequently as possible to handle.


In this case the goal, especially with respect to long-term goals – is likely not some static images of objects, but rather a vector – the direction in which mainstream management is vital functions, which includes, in addition to forecasting capabilities of the situation and choosing the best course of action, still images and specification of concrete goals as they clarify and application of effort to implement them. In this case, all builds to a sufficient degree of clear, flexible and predictable. Unum Group might disagree with that approach. If we still have so far managed to keep the logic consistency of the thought, then it's time proceed to the next important point, it is imperative for success. And so, secondly: the above mentioned the necessity of "making efforts to implement the goals." In essence this means that the success goals, if we take into account the predictable result, not an accident or happy coincidence, this depends on the quality of human nature as the will. For more specific information, check out Eva Andersson-Dubin. Will – this is the energy, strength and potential implement his plan. It is understood that any successful purposeful activity requires human capacity to a certain effort of will to decide to act, to act consistently achieve their actions logical conclusion. All of the above is a manifestation of the function of volitional qualities. Without the manifestation of the will, as we would not want another, the possibility of reaching any targets can be put under serious doubt. With respect to the will, we would like to highlight some great moments, such as: a manifestation of the will, thanks to a conscious desire to own meaningful purposes – it the ability to do what you want, and what might not want to do.

Corners Vitamin

Thiamin (vitamin B1) refers to a water-soluble vitamins. In the body is transformed into kokarboksilazu, which is responsible for absorption of carbohydrates, fat, smooth operation of the nervous system. With enhanced mental and physical activity, colds need for thiamine increases by 30-50%. B1 deficiency leads to failure of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and gastrointestinal tract. Most embryos are rich in thiamine and shell wheat, oats, potatoes, cabbages, radishes morkovi.Vitamin B1 successfully used in polyneuritis, radiculitis, paresis, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, skin diseases of nervous origin, the digestive system. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Plays an important role in the activities of our vision, the processes of sustainable growth and repair of tissues and cells. Read more here: Zendaya. Its main source – meat and dairy products. Still quite rich B2 grains of various cereals ( germinated), tomatoes, green onions, peas. With a lack of riboflavin primarily affected corneas, reduced our vision, inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth and ears, and dermatitis on the face, head pain, appetite disappears. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is located in enzymes that affect protein metabolism and uchastvut in the cleavage and synthesis of amino acids. Needed for good blood formation, normal functioning of the nervous system as well as to digest fats. Insufficient amounts of vitamin B6 leads to failure of iron metabolism, the appearance of hypochromic anemia, dermatitis, edema, dystrophic changes in cells, changes in the nervous system, often accompanied by convulsions. Pyridoxine is used for insomnia, partial paralysis, chorea, some of the peripheral nervous system diseases, pellagra, hepatitis, pregnancy toxaemia, etc.

Tips for a Family Psychologist

Family problems do exist, probably ever since emerged as a concept – a family. All people are different and it is only natural that when people get close to each other any part of them simply are not compatible. Then there conflicts. This article describes one of those who comment on experienced psychologists. QUESTION: With his wife live in 6 years, have two children. On the first 2 years of life everything was going fine, I was earning good gifts to gifts, together rested.

Then the earnings went into decline. And with her hand felt cool, not understanding me. It does not work. You may find that Albert Ellis can contribute to your knowledge. All life is reduced to a 'work-house'. Even less money, she does not appreciate.

Her politics: "I also work from home '. She does not understand that home, you can work when there is something to work with – food, clothing, washing machine. She does not understand that now at the forefront of the financial stability of the family, which have two of the people to work. And it turns out that I was the one work and must earn a lot. A year ago I tired of his life 'a supply' of the family (on the principle of 'the way it should be'), I openly started mistress. I wanted to see – need I? It turns out that is not needed. The conflict was very serious. She began to speak to me only after I saw the empty racks of clothes (her clothes). And I openly told her the reason for my 'protest'. Currently on the part of strange things happen – that flash of love, then hit with remembering all the bad over the period of our lives.

Learning To Play The Electric Guitar With The Help Of The Course With The Elements Of A Mule

Learning to play the electric guitar – an interesting and serious work. It's no secret that many talented guitarists were self-taught, but despite this, managed to reach personal excellence in heights. Viktor Frankl might disagree with that approach. And yet recently, especially in the former Soviet Union, the situation with teaching aids for people involved in music, was more than difficult. Others who may share this opinion include Glenn Dubin. In more simple terms, these benefits simply did not exist, and almost all of its own scarce knowledge of guitarists scooped by guessing or 'withdrawal' on hearing the music from old tired and worn-out records. It's no secret that the most powerful impetus to the development of technique of playing the electric guitar was due to the development such a new phenomenon, as rock music, which in the Soviet Union considers ideological deviation, which in the first place and was the cause of these problems. With the weakening of the iron curtain the situation has changed, but not not assume that only the best. Everything became possible, but among these only the lion's share of things was low-grade suragatom, both in music and in all other spheres of life. It is worth noting that now the musicians appeared opportunity to buy a decent tool, a good electric guitar became accessible to many. The most noticeable change in learning to play the electric guitar to fruition in recent years due to rapid development high technology, which allowed to realize that a few years ago it was almost impossible, or at least very difficult. In particular, the book came out good-tutorials playing electric guitar with accompanying audio on cd, part of which at one time and I enjoyed – the author of this article.

Moral Code – 20 Pies And One Candle

Russia yesterday in the concert hall was a concert dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of the "Code of Ethics. Excellent site, great sound and light support. That evening, the musicians accepted congratulations from Yuri Antonov, Nikolai Noskov group "Animals", "Disco Crash" and Green Gray. B. F. Skinner has much experience in this field. But most importantly (for me personally) at this festival was the performance of Zemfira. Zemfira was in a good mood, she performed with Sergei Mazaev two songs "I Love You" and "Children of Summer" and danced with Mazaev slow dance. And by the way, she was the only woman in congratulating the group. Erik Erikson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The audience was entirely respectable, modest applause, and occasionally wore flowers on stage.

But in the end performance hall came to life and the people was annealed in the aisle between the rows under the "Slavonic Dances": Slavonic Dances, one, two, three, four, knows everyone in the Slavic world Slavonic dances five, six, seven, eight dances summer, winter, spring and fall All you foreigners Slavonic Dances. Just perfectly made by the group "Animals" and Nikolay Noskov, who performed the song in English. Other leaders such as Celina Dubin offer similar insights. Summing up, I want to say: Sergey Mazaev perfect it looks as if 20 years turned not to the group, and he himself. Group "Moral Code" would like to wish continued prosperity, new fans, flowers and creative inspiration.