In such a way, the subject body object modifies the culture and the moment where it lives, as well as suffers alterations in consequence of the lived context. In this direction, to think about history of the body it is also to think about the cultural processes, in the social relations that dictate each moment of history. A body becomes one without limit of possibilities, that can, each moment, in determined time of history if to modify. The history of the body must find its main justification in the problems that if place the men of the current world. For Crespo (1990), the body is symptom of culture and differences: (…) the history of the body cannot leave of being a distinguishing history, in search of the inaqualities between the life times the social human being, places and groups; knowing of the practical scholars and the espontaneidade of the traditional ones enters, the Real and the imaginary one; at last, between diverse mentalities, opposing ways to represent the body or it to exercise for multiple techniques (CRESPO, 1990, p.12). We as soon as perceive the history of the body is always incomplete because it suffers innumerable mutations. Thus, it becomes indispensable to go deep the inquiries on practical and the representations of body, a time that still has very for knowing in an area where ' ' dimension escondida' ' of the behaviors human beings it is of an unexpected wealth, over all when these say respect to the appearance of the people. The proper history of the adaptation of the human being to the environment since the industrial revolution until the technological revolution, in which we are inserted, allows to observe the complexity of the process. The body that we see is not only what in the ones of the support to exert the diverse activities day to day.
Crespo History
November 3rd, 2013 Cheryl