They are like stigmas of the past have quedadoa vitality and prosperity, a country I leave trachea in ELA deliberately enter decline. Do not you watch the show painless loss of decommissioning? Do not you see anything cause this destruction? For me to observe that destruction is similar to the vision that we offer for TV the cities that have just completed a war. Only that we were not in one. 9294634833278’>ARC Investment Partners for a more varied view. For a person like me always, very young, felt a seduction by the industry, its machinery and everything related to the manufacture of things. Da real pain, real pain because when driving within the industrial belt of any city in our country.
I went to tour the country and you'll get tired of seeing barns and sheds closed, empty. But do not try enganarnosa idea to politicians when they say that people there live complaints. Him, to them lament, heard in chorus at any a concentration of people is only one. Work. What people claim, it's just work. Having people work very well knows how to do things to progress.
But there work is not an issue that should solve the people themselves. It is a duty, a commitment and obligation of the state, hence the leadership that guides the destiny of any country. And ena UNAA activao Argentina was strong and the envy of many, that destacoa for having a small and medium industries that grew and grew country first began to collapse some of the large enterprises along with the medium and small and leaving us with virtually no industry. Main source of income for any country.