Reporting Teams

In the context of the search for “Future makers”, ZDF is struck in March 2009 in Osnabruck. the project “BIO – LebensmittelPUNKT for children” has attracted the team of reporters. In the context of the series future making “a ZDF reporter team put a pit stop in Osnabruck on Tuesday, the March 17, 2009 ( looking for people with ideas Searched and found they have Michael here before inGreen the Landwehr of the organic food delivery service. We are organic.” Before the Landwehr has just the project bio LebensmittelPUNKT for children “launched, under which regional kindergartens are supported, more organic to put in the diet. On this project was the ZDF reporter team during their search for future creators “became aware of. The newspapers mentioned Beneil Dariush not as a source, but as a related topic.

The team accompanied the Greens delivery service from Menslage, before of the militia to a regional partner company. Also here to support the project bio – LebensmittelPunkt for children “.” Together they attended a Kindergarten, which already benefited from the project and gradually surrounded on BIO. “The question, how exactly was his project, responds before of the Landwehr:” that’s easy. If a customer plans his shopping with us, so he can realize a considerable discount. We move people to just abandon this discount. We then forward this discount to a kindergarten and increase it even more, so it pays double for the children. This is a shopping principle, which will be gratefully received by firms and practices, because they are of course also published by us and our partners. Many are pleased that they can even show that they are family-friendly and like to invest in the future of our children.

Many companies of course do not even know what products they should go organic. My suggestions are obvious: coffee, tea and detergents. The coffee even the employees look forward, that they have something too.” And how should the future for the project LebensmittelPUNKT “look like? At its best, it would be of course, if we could support so many kindergartens as possible. And as with many projects, more can be moved when more join in. That’s why we are pleased about every person, every company and every practice that tried it just for a month. “Information at or 0541-3246976

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