In diabetes of type 2, these intracellular reactions are diminished, becoming, thus the insulina little effective in the stimulation of the captation of the glucose for fabrics. The accurate mechanisms that lead resistance the insulina and the engaged secretion of insulina in diabetes type 2 are unknown, even so if it believes that the genetic factors play one funo' '. (Brunner, 2000, P. 935). Brunner (2000) relates that the clinical manifestations of diabetes include ' ' The poliria, the polidipsia that occurs in consequence of the extreme loss of I eliminate associated to diurese osmtica. The patient also tries decurrent polifagia of the induced catablico state for the deficiency of insulina and the clivagem of proteins and lipdios.
Among others they can feel fatigue, weakness, alterations of the vision, formigamento, dormncia in the hands and feet, dry skin, injuries that cure of slow form and infections recorrentes' '. The main goal of the treatment of diabetes is to normalize the activity and the sanguineous levels of glucose to reduce the development of vascular and neuropticas complications. Five components of treatment of diabetes exist: nutricional, physical exercise, monitorizao, farmacolgica therapy and education in health. (Brunner, 2000, p.936). It hisses (2007), tells that ' ' diabetes mellitus is considered one of the main chronic illnesses of the present time, in virtue of its great incidence in the world-wide scene and of the great number of complications related to this illness, recognized because of the increase of the life expectancy of populao' '. Rabbit (2009), tells in its article, that: ' ' Diabetes mellitus is a great problem of public health, for if dealing with a chronic riot with raised morbi-mortality taxes, that affect great part of the population, having as cause hereditary and ambient factors. In Brazil, they is esteem that five million people with DM exist, being that almost half (46.5%) is unaware of the diagnosis.