Thiamin (vitamin B1) refers to a water-soluble vitamins. In the body is transformed into kokarboksilazu, which is responsible for absorption of carbohydrates, fat, smooth operation of the nervous system. With enhanced mental and physical activity, colds need for thiamine increases by 30-50%. B1 deficiency leads to failure of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and gastrointestinal tract. Most embryos are rich in thiamine and shell wheat, oats, potatoes, cabbages, radishes morkovi.Vitamin B1 successfully used in polyneuritis, radiculitis, paresis, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, skin diseases of nervous origin, the digestive system. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Plays an important role in the activities of our vision, the processes of sustainable growth and repair of tissues and cells. Read more here: Zendaya. Its main source – meat and dairy products. Still quite rich B2 grains of various cereals ( germinated), tomatoes, green onions, peas. With a lack of riboflavin primarily affected corneas, reduced our vision, inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth and ears, and dermatitis on the face, head pain, appetite disappears. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is located in enzymes that affect protein metabolism and uchastvut in the cleavage and synthesis of amino acids. Needed for good blood formation, normal functioning of the nervous system as well as to digest fats. Insufficient amounts of vitamin B6 leads to failure of iron metabolism, the appearance of hypochromic anemia, dermatitis, edema, dystrophic changes in cells, changes in the nervous system, often accompanied by convulsions. Pyridoxine is used for insomnia, partial paralysis, chorea, some of the peripheral nervous system diseases, pellagra, hepatitis, pregnancy toxaemia, etc.
Corners Vitamin