Friends have lost arms! If I am a coward I know!, I’ve lost hope, that is the last thing to be missed, when there is no longer any hope but it is that facing death, friends is the first thing that is lost! it shouldn’t but I already went down arms! and lying if it is that I do not accept that you’m me ashamed. It makes me sad. It makes me angry feeling as Cancer’s indolent, hitting me with impunity, without opposition, without instincts, without reflections Derrumbado and Aniquilado! I got tired friends am flesh and bone! o would better say era of flesh and bone was tired right! is my right. Sometimes I try to lift me, from canvas, from the floor, where I now live! smelling of Earth where soon I residire! I try – I said – lift me and grab me a is eternal, so ancient and so new beauty that is faith in God, but mosses of my chains prevent it me, so moldy, so heavy for their sins and fall again by clay, with the Earth and my tears. Friends have lost arms, but I’m going with the consolation of having them dropped after you what perhaps, not worth I – his friend – a management with an influential authority? Does that perhaps did not deserve I – your amigo-unos minutes, a few hours, a day of their time, they give me some pending, with an influential authority? Does that YO – was not worth your amigo-un mail, a call, a decisive cry, with an influential authority, to save me from death? NOT worth anything friends!!by got that-also-off arms. Baje arms to not prolong my agony, so Cancer and cirrhosis does not follow me tapping-why hurt you know? if dolia Baje arms that already do not suffer that if suffered by me, so no longer weep, so live your life off the arms so that my true wife and my children of the soul already bury this body who died some time ago already.