It was a rainy and cold monday, I I was extremely tired, when measuring for the long, sad and crooked trip where it had finished to arrive. It had temporarily delivered the reason of my life, my beloved and loved son to its father, so that with it passed a time, a long time I admit, one year without the light that illuminated my dark days. Thus arriving in return my house, it felt that it was as that dark day and that the blackout that hid my sun came to the one long time estresse, it, the hurt, the depression or the pressure already was stuck in my life, and that in the truth that event nothing more age that estopim of all mine pains. The love of my reality at that moment was in the truth to cause of all these feelings, was my pressure that shot up in my depression, was my dissatisfaction, my illusion ignored for my proper love, that this made question to show to me that my dreams did not pass of illusion, thus ignoring all our plans and desires in pride form.ahh! yes the pride this so massacrante feeling that it arrives exterminando the feelings purest, the pride is an individualistic feeling and it never enters in two hearts, it only obtains to live and to work in one of them. it is certain was the cause of the esquecimento of this so pure and at the beginning sonhador love. From this moment I already only imagined myself, my way would continue alone, did not want more to feel this illusion, not.of illusion already he was enough my fertile imagination and destemida, that for these meeting and failures in meeting had entered in a deep collapse and deserved this rest. The cold day continued cold and passed slowly, with talking intense in the house of my only friend, the only person who still tried to understand my suffering without reply, perhaps for it also to have suffered very. .