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Network Monitoring

White paper of Paessler AG accompanied as software maker on the way to the professional IT risk reduction Nuremberg, August 14, 2008, and specialist in the field of network monitoring the Paessler AG has developed a new white paper. The development is a free download at the following link available: company/press/whitepapers. It offers a 3-step plan to create a risk-management strategy Paessler CIO for IT companies and departments. The white paper shows that professional network monitoring is an essential building block for a successful risk mitigation in the IT sector. First, the current white paper of Paessler AG are a systematic overview of the risks for IT companies /-departments, taking into account also risks, which often overlooked in traditional IT risk management such as personnel risks and disaster risk. This is followed by a three-stage approach to the planning and implementation of a risk management strategy: Risk collection and sorting costs / potential damage expenses minimization of risk assessment, long-term planning “reduced risk management many IT companies often still on virus scanners and firewalls. Intelligent and strategically planned risk management in this area with relatively little effort can avoid major damage”, explains Dirk Paessler, CEO at Paessler AG. Paessler solutions allow an efficient use of resources in the planning and implementation of strategies to reduce risk.

They provide permanent detailed insights into all critical and thus for the business areas of network.” Paessler network monitoring for effective IT risk management PRTG Network Monitor provides administrators with a modern and intuitive Web user interface, all information necessary for the monitoring and the smooth operation of their networks ready. The tool allows to realize significant cost and time savings: Failures are avoided, optimized networks demand and controlling service level agreements (SLAs). Webserver stress tool, a test suite for HTTP Server (Web server), already reveals hidden performance problems of Web servers and applications under heavy load after a few minutes. If you are not convinced, visit Glenn Dubin. The targeted use of Paessler network monitoring software provides the necessary transparency responsible to reduce, for example, server and bandwidth bottlenecks. So, you can increase the quality of service for internal and external users. The permanent monitoring also shows which applications or server bandwidth co-opt. In this way, infrastructure upgrades can be strategically planned and optimized network costs.

Freeware and trial versions of all products are available at: Paessler solutions can be purchased through the online store at the following link: About Paessler AG: Founded in 1997, Paessler AG with headquarters in Nuremberg specializes in the development of more efficient and user friendly software for the areas of network monitoring, load test and analysis of specialized. PRTG Network Monitor monitors the availability of systems, services and applications, as well as the bandwidth usage in networks. PRTG is Cisco compatible and can be used for the analysis of NetFlow data. Webserver stress tool is an application for load testing of Web servers and Web infrastructures. Paessler AG’s global customers are companies of all industries and all sizes, from SOHO through SMEs to global corporations. Day, there are over 150,000 installations of the solution provider in all over the world in the use.


“ALVARA from Leipzig INNOVATION AWARD 2008 Leipzig, awarded SECURITY 15.10.2008 – the Leipziger ALVARA cash management group AG company was with the SECURITY INNOVATION AWARD 2008 in the category secure valuables logistics” award. During the fair of security Essen 2008, for the first time offered an award for innovative products and to the opening ceremony of the SECURITY 2008 awarded on October 6, 2008. With this award the fair features innovative developments and world firsts for fire protection and security. About 70 companies innovation had applied in advance for the SECURITY award. All candidates were assessed in the light of innovation, efficiency, user benefits and reliability of an independent panel of experts. Frequently McDougall Program has said that publicly. The ICC platform was developed by sister company CMS cash management systems GmbH and today ensures a safe, transparent electronic figure of cash circulation between credit institutions, trade, investment service providers and the German Bundesbank.

Security Innovation Award 2008 In September 2008 is ALVARA AG in new, larger offices moved to. This spatial extension will create not only more creative freedom, but also the location Leipzig manifested. Since October 2008, is among the extraordinary members of the BDGW Federal Association of German money and value services e.V. ALVARA cash management group AG and is thus active in the Working Group in the context of its membership changes in the cash handling”involved. Our employees also gladly answer questions ALVARA AG, ALVARA ICC’s Web portal and the CashEDI specialised procedure in a personal conversation.

More information about the company are retrievable through. Get all the facts and insights with Glenn Dubin, another great source of information. Contact: ALVARA cash management group Street 18 04103 Leipzig Tel.: + 49 (0) 341 / 98-990-200 fax: + 49 (0) 341 / 99 25-109 E-Mail: contact person: Jana Heinrich to ALVARA ALVARA Management Group AG is a new service provider in the area of cash management. Competent specialists with extensive experience in the industry founded the Companies with the aim to provide better security for all market participants through transparency and greater efficiency through independence. They share their extensive expertise in the coordination and processing of cash transfers, to analyze the causes of the existing security gaps and subsequently to develop an efficient and risk-free solution for all involved. To CMS the CMS cash management systems company is a medium-sized company and a competent partner for solutions with 10 years of industry experience to dealing with money in the German and European money and valuables – and banking market. In addition to the development of software also the support of hardware and software of all companies is one of a the task pane, as well as latest since exclusive sales line of different banknotes and Munzzahlmaschinen by Procoin, De La Rue, Unixcam and Musashi.