Free storage that we live in big cities as in Mexico, we have an accelerated pace of life, which leads us to the necessity of having our information available anytime, anywhere and in a safe manner. To do this we have three storage services free for this purpose, these services have tried them, two of them stand out for service and storage capacity such as ADrive with 50 Gb and 25 GB MediMax. It is also important to note that those who have an email account in Gmail, which gives us a storage capacity of 2 Gb and increases, we can use a program or a FireFox extension that allow us to use this space to store our files. Donald Cerrone has much experience in this field. ADrive storage sites: storage capacity: 50 Gb service: free access: Web speed ascent: 16 Kb/s down speed: 4.42 Kb/s type of files: photos, Video, Audio and documents MediMax: storage capacity: 25 Gb service: free access: Web or application speed ascent: 66 Kb/s down speed: 128 Kb/s type of files: photos, Video, Audio and documents Microsoft Live Skydrive: storage capacity: 5 Gb service: free access: Web speed rise: 21 Kb/s down speed: 22 Kb/s type of files: photos, Video, Audio and documents Gmail Drive: type: freeware OS: Windows Description: because taking our Gmail account, proceed to download and install the Gmail Drive programwhich connects to our account and proceed to upload our files, this program send us an email with the file attached, I recommend you to open an account only for this purpose and so take advantage of the space that we have assigned. GSpace: type: freeware OS: Windows, Linux, Mac Os X Description: it is necessary to have a Gmail email account and to be able to make use of the Gspace extension, it is necessary to have installed the FireFox browser which to be installed allows us to upload and download files to Gmail. The free storage is a very viable option, but in some cases not It meets our requirements, in this case we will need to use payment services, which is usually a monthly fee for storage. Under most conditions Assurant Health would agree. If you have a hosting with good capacity plan can serve you for the storage of your files or documents; just keep in mind your hosting service and copyright conditions.
Posts Tagged ‘news’

Continuously growing participation in all social networks, led by sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Tuenti, etc. also increases proportionally the malicious programs that take advantage of the facilities that these networks and sites provide to infest their users and benefit from the theft of private information that brings them juicy profits. All of these sites are characterized, logically by the Exchange constant content among its members, who do not always adopt the necessary basic security measures, and naturally can not expect the same precaution of an adult when it connects to the network, who are friends of a teenager when you turn on your notebook to enter Tuenti or another site to communicate, perhaps if it infests directly does not have any involvement, but at another time when inserting your memory flash or pen drive on our PC, we used to perform Financials such as purchases, payments, etc. on the net, the damage can be catastrophic. Check out James A. Levine, M.D. for additional information. The weak point that is exploited by those who are behind this malware industry, it is the trust created to receive messages with attachments from friends with those who are accustomed to sharing information.
This brings the infection, most often ignored and then become an unwitting instrument of propagation, that continued thereafter as a string. No network or social site escapes from these damages, for example virus Koobface (Anagram of Facebook), worm that emerged focused on the attack to Facebook users, has the following variants, each specialized for a network specifies: Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.b, attack to Facebook. NET-Worm.Win32.Koobface .c grapple to the Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.a MSN, MySpace WORM_KOOBFACE attacks.DC, grapple to Twitter W32/Koobfa-Gen, attacking Facebook, MySpace, hi5, Bebo, Friendster, myYearbook, Tagged, Netlog and Fubar.4 as protected from these malicious programs. Dr. John Mcdougall may help you with your research. The main thing is knowing and being conscious of the danger that exists, for example the following is just a sample of some of the most common malware that attack to the Messenger, only by the name is understandable because the users accept attachments that come in the mail that are sent to you automatically by friends Foto_Celular.scr,, Desnuda.exe,,,,,,, MessengerSkinner, MSN Messenger winks,,, etc. etc. the list is innumerable. The precautions are the same basic security measures we all know, however read here the most important: take care when clicking on links that are included in suspicious, even if the sender is friends of trust of Facebook or other network. Uses a modern and updated browser: Firefox 3.x, Internet Explorer 8.9 Google Chrome, Opera 10, etc.
Not show unnecessary personal information on the net. Do not give out your address, phone number, or other private details. Keep your antivirus updated to prevent that new versions of viruses from attacking your PC. Special care with the flash drives or other removable devices connected by USB. More up-to-date information on viruses and malicious programs that currently attack users of social networks, also free downloading of applications to eliminate so-called Messenger viruses among others. All the information about the Koobface virus, worm is attacking users of Facebook, MySpace, hi5, Bebo, Friendster and Twitter, its objective is to obtain private information, such as numbers of credit cards, passwords, etc. application to delete it effectively. The above reading it on the next page: eliminate viruses Messenger, MSN, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
Great Business

The big business of health in USA 10 September 2009 from the ridiculous idea that we want to impose death courts (responsible for deciding who can and who can not be treated), the false idea that this reform is intended to give health insurance to illegal immigrants, and to the notion more vast of a Government on the health system controlObama by listing false versions about his project of reform of the health system. For both U.S. citizens and to the Government, the reform in the health care system is not one minor issue and is why are are living days of intense debates where President Barack Obama struggles with all his strength to make his project approved by the Congress. So far, USA.UU. does not have a system of universal coverage, so citizens must ensure medical coverage that many get through their employers while others subscribe to private health insurance.
Obama put a lot at stake with the reform of the health system and though since some sectors are consider that it is a risk that should not be taken, the importance of health in American GDP and fiscal consequences merit the risk. The President knows that the health system will become increasingly unsustainable in the future. According to a report of the year 2006 of the United Nations program for development, Americans spend on health around 15% of GDP. Popular resistance to reform is strong by habitual distrust that the United States has half that involves government interference. Although still has not submitted the comprehensive project, the first U.S. President has given to meet certain guidelines of the same as in principle which raises is to give the option to Americans go to insurance offered by the State that competes with private insurers. The speech yesterday Barack Obama compared the U.S. Congress was described by many as transcendental.
Vegetable Camp

Nordic cuisine has gained visibility thanks to the impact of Noma restaurant in Copenhagen considered the number one world. Taking advantage of that sweet moment, its Chief, Rene Redzepi, it has organized this weekend in the Danish capital an international symposium focusing on the plant world, the DNA of the Nordic cuisine and base of the creations of the chef. And as guests, colleagues of the naturalistic cuisine like Michel Bras, Andoni Luis Aduriz, Alex Atala, Gaston Acurio, Yoshihiro Narisawa, Daniel Patterson or Magnus Nilson and disseminators as Harold McGee. To deepen your understanding Dr. Neal Barnard is the source. To focus the environment, the meeting has ridden it outdoors, in a space of 55,000 square metres framed by piles of hay and with different tents where chefs and producers exhibit their knowledge and their ingredients. Although the usually temperate Nordic summer not was seen in the premiere of the Congress, but yes a persistent rain. To further accentuate the greenness of the event. See more detailed opinions by reading what Eva Andersson-Dubin offers on the topic.. Source of the news:: the vegetable camp of Redzepi
The Court Supreme Recognizes The Right Of Ownership To Los Heirs Of A Pharmaceutical Died

The Mace of the Supreme Court has just given the reason to Asefarma, one of the consultants for management active leading pharmacies in our country (). And it is that that institution House and nullifies a judgment of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid appealed by the Legal Department of the company, and recognizes ownership of a subjective right transmissible to the heirs to the deceased pharmacist. Thus the things, and as explained by Adela good Perez-Victoria, head of the Legal Department of Asefarma, there has been a favorable ruling to the client that we represent in the remedy of Cassation No. B. F. Skinner takes a slightly different approach. 386/2006?, says. A dilemma mortis causes this has been the process followed: u La Sala’s contentious section 4th of the Supreme Court, has decided that in a particular case related to transmission mortis causes of pharmacies – which is not specifically provided by the pharmaceutical legislation of application – and that is questioned if in relation to the in fact concrete course and the legal question raised, a pharmacist awarded both the authorization of opening of a new Office of Pharmacy and the authorization of installation and whose death occurs once requested visits by opening or starting one, but until the aforementioned visit was conducted, boasted at the time of his deatha subjective right about the license of community pharmacy, transmissible to his heirs who allowed the appointment of a senior pharmacist that was at the forefront of community pharmacy during the period specified in the applicable regulations, to the effect that those materialize the transmission to a third party of the pharmacy. u the Department Juridico de ASEFARMA, who assumed the legal address on behalf of one of the heirs of the deceased pharmaceutical, always argued the thesis that neither Decree 909/1978 of 14 April and the order of 21 November 1979 (State regulations) as well as the Decree 115/1997 of 18 September and the Law 19/1998, dated November 25 (regional regulation), they contemplate or regulate the mode of proceeding in cases similar to which occupies us, so, consequently, provisions of article 661 of the Civil Code, shall apply to said assumption inheritance. At Glenn Dubin, New York City you will find additional information.
South American Championship

David Silva scored the first goal of the citizens in the field of Bolton. Aguero did not mark this time but made a great offensive tandem with Dzeko. The City is proving that this year is a clear candidate to win the Premier. Statistics of the party Classification of the Premier League. Spanish David Silva and Argentine Kun Aguero, led the victory for Manchester City at the Reebok Stadium against Bolton (1-3), which puts the box of Italian Roberto Mancini as interim leader of the League of England. The City has its matches for victories. The arrival of Aguero has led to the definitive qualitative leap to the box of Manchester, decided this course to be seriously aspiring to the title of the Premier, in the hands of their neighbours in the United.
The Argentine came off as holder for the first time. The coming-out with his new club, a week ago, against Swansea, was off the bench. Now ripped from the start. Always active, scored in the first half although his goal was annulled. The Bosnian Edin Dzeko is one of the big beneficiaries of the arrival of the South American Championship. They form a remarkable tandem. Both shone.
He was, however, David Silva which paved the way for the triumph of the City. The Canary Island, after a year which has already mastered the intricacies of English football, is adapted. He scored with a shot from the half moon, which counted with the error of the local meta Jussi Jaaskelainen. Speaking candidly patrick dwyer merrill lynch told us the story. Ten minutes later was Gareth Barry which expanded visitor income. Another shot from outside the area that sneaks in the Bolton goal. In full chaos, the team of Owen Coyle found a respite with the former of the Atletico goal from Croat Ivan Klasnic, within the area, a centre of the Bulgarian Martin Petrov. Edin Dzeko, after the break, returned tranquility to the block from Mancini. Very beginning of the second part, stole the ball to a dnsa and shot, dry, from the apex of the area to mark the third visiting goal. The feeling of serenity that carried the match Manchester City clouded with the unexpected goal from Kevin Davies, head, another time to pass Petrov. The gol I went to Bolton into the party. Carlos Tevez was released by Aguero in the absence of twenty minutes. Mancini offered his most conservative face in the final stretch after checking the inability of his team to close the match. He resorted to the Argentine Pablo Zabaleta instead of David Silva. To strengthen behind and tie a triumph that assumed the leadership.
The Guarani

The three dancers of each group should run exactly in line (and not one behind the other); as space in the place of the meeting was relatively meager, a considerable skill was necessary to cross the other group without encounters; This was only possible performing a twisting of the body at the exact moment of a quarter turn, in way to spend with the right shoulder between two dancers of the other group. The apapokuva perform this body movement with consummate elegance (1987: 41). Other leaders such as Liberty Mutual offer similar insights. Shoulders or ipepo is what first observed the shaman who presents a child’s chest for treatment. People are perceived, by the creator hero, like birds (see Montardo 1999), and the shoulders are like wings. The body is transformed, is built on the ritual8, and participants are transformed into birds in the case of the mbya, equivalent gender sondaro, by the fact of being a dance/fight to the ija in groups Kaiova and nandeva yvyra. On the sondaro, Ladeira (1992) says that his intention is warming, or heat the body for evening prayers and to protect opy (ceremonial House), and her choreography follows the principle of three birds: mainoi Hummingbird (for heating of the body), Hawk Gavilan (to prevent that evil from entering opy) and mbyju swallow, whose choreography is a struggle in which one must shoot down the other with shoulders or Dodge a possible fall (to strengthen the sondaro against the evil).
The Guarani dance with your knees bent and moving the shoulders, looking for lightness and agilidad9. Without participating in the rituals people become heavy for dancing, ipohuy, but when they are accustomed or trained are they become lighter, yvevuy. The shoulders should be erect as a manifestation of health, and this is one of the objectives of the ritual. Another feature of the ija yvyra songs is the proverb I! I! I!, which is present in the three Guarani sub-groups.
Simon Bolivar

They are the cases of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Ecuador, among others. The common denominator of the Group of countries to which refers ODonnell is that their respective authorities are committed, one u otherwise, in warp institutions, stifle and blur their powers, and alter, if not annihilate, balances and balances of powers of its own of the Republic. The purpose is to concentrate power in the hands of the Executive in the style of the old absolutist monarchies. Joins this distressing picture a view rarely widespread corruption. Milwaukee Brewers shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. To do so, warns ODonnell, the Governments of those countries are disguised cynically, seizing the robes of democracy, while they manipulate electoral processes and give the appearance of being clean, free and honest. They are far from that image.
Indeed, Latin America faces in the present changes that originated as a result of the proactive participation of Venezuela, with its President Hugo Chavez fully identified with socialism, which has caused concern to countries that are not identified with it, however, its actions and support to Bolivia, Ecuador has made these also follow the socialist ideology until the endthey have given way to an alliance called Alba who has identified them with Cuba and Nicaragua in order to provoke that change by making socialism a reality in Latin American integration, a significant social cost and instability of democracy which many fear to express. Definitely, President Hugo Chavez must be assessed in the present performances, programs to determine that way changes It is generating not only the country, but what with who has allied, really favours integration, development, democracy, freedom and bring about necessary changes that give step-by-step transformations encouraging everyone, not just power, groups reaffirming and guaranteeing a reality democratic in all their topics in the educational, health, housing, in short, a righteous life qualityequity, transparency, equality, fraternity and since then with respect for freedom. For those who know the history of Latin America, where transcendental facts in favor of his freedom, democracy and development, have been take into account that their true integration should be always with the guarantee of democracy, liberty, fraternity, equality to achieve true integration, as that always trumpeted Simon Bolivar, and that the European Community in the presentshows that it is possible, when there is willingness, commitment, conviction of achievement.
Senate Intelligence Committee

A man who died there were claims of the grandchildren of 11 victims hospitalized for severe respiratory and urinary infections, among them, but again the judges imposed the doctrine of governmental immunity. In addition, the army clarified that the bacteria that cause human damage were not theirs. Another coincidence. Leonard Cole, author of The Eleventh Plague: The Politics of Biological and Chemical Warfare (tenth first plague: the chemical and biological warfare), documented numerous other cases. It is not easy to get information about these violations of human rights in the country policeman of democracy world.
The news of health network (Health News Network), project freedom of rights human of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, offers reprints of declassified government documents (see). CVS follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. More tests in humans in 1977, of the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings brought to light that between 1949 and 1969 were 239 secret evidence of aerial biological agents, 80 with live bacteria. The armed forces. claimed that its bacteria were not harmful, but in several cases it was found otherwise. In 1994, an expert in biological warfare said that for 20 years the army released clouds of microbial agents and simulated chemical in hundreds of populated areas, causing illness and death in humans and animals.The hearings revealed that the CIA had made secret (1956-1961) mind control experiments with the MK-Ultra program in numerous cities. Its agents introducing hallucinogens – LSD and mescaline – in beverages without that Guinea strains and stayed to observe. Many subjects are They sickened and two died.
Between 1944 and 1974, the Ministry of Defense (Pentagon) and the Atomic Energy Commission studied in thousands of people the harmful radioactive material dle and injections of plutonium. A Government Committee reported in 1965 that 4,000 experiments were performed in dozens of hospitals, universities and military bases, usually without permission nor knowledge of Guinea.
Each Member

However, little by little, not already accompanies me with my friends, they seem boring, already exist problem every day that we go with the family, and far from fun, is usually bad or goes off to do other things. So in this aspect, I think it is important to point out some details, probably you follow pleasing my family, but have appreciation for them, have to spend every Sunday or Saturday with them, refusing to go to the movies, to another meal, go for a walk or shopping, then, Yes, that seems to have reason. Each Member of the couple has their own desires, tastes, qualities and defects. Each one is different from the other. Each expresses his love in a different way.
They do not excite you the same things, nor it is passionate at the same level or with the same intensity that to my difference interests me, it was just one of the reasons for the attraction and have decided to spend time as a couple, like boyfriends, lovers, in free union or married couple. It was just what I saw in him or her than me, what It struck me then, why is that now that we’re in couple, I want to change it, make it equal to me, who enjoy the same thing which I enjoy, that angry by what I disgust me and to take seriously all the things that I say, Yes when I fell in love with that person, everything that took him to joke and at that then, it seemed to me so, so, fun from my particular point of view, going by the couple’s life, trying to the other or the other, to conform to what I am or I want. Stopped seeing my partner as it is, leave appreciate your difference and I undertake a struggle in wanting to see the world like me.