Towards their children, parents need to express themselves responsive and kind people. Do not need material gifts to replace the spiritual connection with them, "For life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions" (Luke 12:15). That the child was a sense of calm and confidence, needed love, support, and in some cases, sincere advice to parents. It is also necessary to help children develop qualities of character that will be useful them into adulthood. For example – humility. Do not think that humility – it is a negative quality of character, one of the basic supplies obsequious person. This is the opposite, great dignity. Humility is a strength, you can apply for their own benefit.
All of the great victories of the people in the spiritual, cultural or physical areas are based on humility. Humility – it is absolute power, not knowing any obstacles. This is the foundation of the great victories of people As an example the story of a boy Petit from a large family, which occurred recently. He finished 4 th grade and their graduation was scheduled (well, you know how it happens). It was necessary to pass the tidy sum of money, to mark the case in which – a lush restaurant. Parents Petit, of course, would be able to collect this amount and pass the graduation, but then it would hit all the other members of this family nemalochislennoy.
And the family council was agreed that Peter is not going to graduation. The boy at first very upset, but after the parents told him that if he did go to the prom, will be seriously harmed his sister, brothers and parents, he decided to this situation. And God rewarded him for his humility. All summer he has successfully worked part time (please do not forget that the crisis in the yard, and a child 11 years old), walked and talked with friends. In comparison with their classmates, who all attended the same graduation, getting into what – some wear and tear of constantly heard from their parents: "We kind of money vbuhali for your graduation! And you "Humility is an important trait of each person required to great victory, to achieve this goal. Without it in sorrow and defeat notice blessing. And finally, without humility not achieve wisdom as an essential feature of a wise man, is the ability to say "I was wrong. "