Posts Tagged ‘children’

Feng Shui Kitchen

In Feng Shui it is believed that food should be placed in a disadvantaged sector for the head of the family, according to the number of gua. Since cooking creates a very strong energy that could affect not the best way to success rights. When placing the food in the Gaza birth chi man, a man can lose everything, popularity, money, miscarriage can occur. If it is located in the health sector, the people will lose health, it will always feel tired and exhausted. If a kitchen in the sector with people, then people will have problems with marriage, while married couples will have problems in relationships, and relations with other people surrounding the person may be compromised. Provided that the kitchen is located in the sector of personal development, people will be poor, and he will be absent at all good luck in whatever it work. The location of the kitchen in bad sectors, just helps to ensure that a person had good luck. So if a kitchen in the sector five spirits, the person will have good luck and health will be strong.

Kitchen in sector of the six killers attracted to a man much luck. A kitchen in setkore misfortune, the person avoids gossip and losing money. In the sector of total collapse is also possible to arrange the kitchen, it saves the person from all the problems and unhappiness and strengthen his health. There is also a feng shui is one rule and it states: "you can not put the fire from the Heaven's Gate" Heaven's Gate is the north-western sector. In this sector, absolutely can not have a fire, it implies a strong disease, and unhappiness. But if you can not move the kitchen from the sector, it is necessary in this sector to put the vase at least 45 cm and a diameter of at least 30 cm filled with water. The element of water controlled by the fire kitchen stoves, reducing the risk of fatalities on the location of the fire at the "Heaven's Gate." Stove in the kitchen needs to be attached by the head of the family-friendly. Then he will receive positive energy in each meal.

The same concerns the connection of an electric kettle and other household electrical appliances in the kitchen. Can be divided, some devices draw party to the grid in a favorable direction for the head of the family, as part of for other family members. Thus, each family member will be with eating absorb energy which brings him luck. It is also important that the oven door has been turned into a favorable direction for the family breadwinner. Can not have a number of ryakovinu and plate, or a refrigerator and stove, as this creates a conflict of elements (sink, refrigerator, dishwasher) and water (plate) of fire. Plate should be placed in the northwest corner of the kitchen. Open shelves have the ability to "cut" energy, so it is desirable that the kitchen was, cabinets with doors. Colors for the kitchen should match the sector where the kitchen is located. Northeast, southwest, west – all shades brown. South-east, east, north – dark blue and black. South-east, east, south – green. North, west, white, white, gold, silver. Red is the color of fire and is not recommended for use in the kitchen. It is important not leave the kitchen dirty dishes and leftovers, as it creates negative energy in the kitchen.

Unforgettable Holiday

Allowance for other than their parents do you think a holiday to remember your child the most? Of course, the one in which he took personal creative part! To solve this problem until the child is small, easy: you can make a fun Children's Day with entertainment and guest artists. But children grow up, and they need the opportunity to not only fun, but also to implement your own creative potential. Throughout the world there is a good tradition to organize special dates show, created by the children themselves, with support from adults. It is a dramatic event – not only the opportunity to open up young talents, but also a unique occasion to bring together parents with children birth special warmth and understanding between the parties In the preparatory process for the child entered into many things: the daily opening of the new in itself, forming a sense of partnership, communion with the mystery of creation – that is so important for the formation of personality! And of course, the crown of all – the play on which relatives and friends to come and in which everyone will have an opportunity to shine. Want to see a unique setting involving your children? But you're afraid that you as in the Soviet school, sheds a lot of organizational responsibilities? Times have changed! Today you have the opportunity to request all the organizational and creative care professionals. And you can order a statement Running time for the established group of children (eg in school), and for "Company", formed from the children of your employees. Restrictions do not exist! What will happen 1.

You tell your wishes and estimated number of children participating in the project to our team. 2. Then you meet with a professional creative team, which will prepare and maintain "project. Our partners are not only special education and license, but a wealth of experience and strong cohesive team of like-minded people have practical knowledge in the field of child psychology. Working with children, preparing and conducting children's activities is their specialty. 3.

At the request of the children will be provided with specially equipped rehearsal room, where it will create a spectacle. Director 's group will pick a play, ideally suited for this case and the composition participants. 4. In preparation for the play boys not only learn the basics of acting, but during gaming sessions will fully disclose themselves. No one will be deprived of attention. 5. Care of the technical part Running time: sewing costumes, creating sets, lighting and sound design – will assume the organizers of the event. It is very important that each type of work was done professionally. 6. And finally – the opening day, which will become a holiday not only for children but also for their parents. Performance will shoot a professional operator that offers a unique opportunity to preserve the memory of this statement. 7. At your request after the show will be organized festive party that unites children and adults. This day will truly be a memorable one! And maybe you will become the progenitors of the annual small theatrical events, which all participants waiting for a special emotion and joy as the most favorite holiday.


And suddenly Newlyweds – romance, and waiting for something unusual? They need not just a little envelope, and your participation and warmth of your hands? They are so well earned and well able to buy a toaster, a tv and got even more so? All major and necessary gifts they have parents? Then you need to find a beautiful and original solution, and give them something not included in the list of trite, but it fits in the category of "necessary" or simply "Beautiful." Prompt once the secret of a beautiful solution for this case. Do not necessarily choose one thing, soundly-expensive, it is important to skillfully combine the type-form-color-theme group of useful and beautiful objects and make of them set to some remarkable event in the life of this new baby of the family. Angus Cloud is a great source of information. Let's start with the right and left, but without attention to all sorts of kitchen-washing and household stuff and turning to those subjects, which will decorate the entertainment. What people are doing this summer? Sunbathing, swimming, luxuriate on the beach and traveling. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Eva Andersson-Dubin. This is useful for a large parasol and a large inflatable mattress.

Do not forget that in order to inflate the mattress is essential pump. This is quite an expensive set for a beach holiday may well be present as a pair, going to the wedding trip to warmer climes, and the newlyweds are relaxing at the beach. These items can be added and a set of tools "For" and "from" sunburn, gift certificate to buy fashion sunglasses, beach volley ball or badminton. .

New Year

As a rule, go shopping at weekends, when shopping malls are full of people. In the cold season (eg, on the eve of July 2024

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