
With persistent heartburn for the diagnosis may need to study unusually long name 'esophagogastroduodenoscopy': using the handset with optical and lighting systems (endoscope) are examined ('-spectroscopy'), esophagus (the 'esophago-'), stomach ("gastro-") and, if necessary – and duodenum ('-duodeno-'). How to deal with heartburn? Light diet should be followed: from the diet to exclude products which irritate the gastric mucosa and stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid: muffins, fresh bread, fatty meats and fish, vegetables, containing crude fiber, hard-boiled eggs, sour varieties of berries and fruit, ice cream, black coffee, carbonated beverages, spicy pickled foods and spices. – Food must be fractional – 5-7 times a day, last meal – 3 hours before bedtime. – Once a meal should not go in for 30-40 minutes, as the horizontal position of the body (as well as the torso forward) provokes GERD hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. – Care should be taken to occur every day bowel movements. – Sleeping on the bed should be elevated to a 15-20 cm head end (You can put an extra pillow).

– Do not wear close, compressing clothing. – As an enveloping and astringents can use herbal teas herbal remedies: St. John's wort, alder, chamomile, and starch (in the form of jelly, for example). – Drug treatment may only on prescription! Safe for pregnant antacid (antacids), enveloping and binding means, in particular 'Maalox', 'fofsfalyugel', 'Smecta' that can be taken only once when a heartburn, or resort to the course receive (in this case, they take 3 times a day, 1 hour after the meal and the fourth time – at night). – If possible, avoid taking antispasmodics (drugs, relieves spasms of smooth muscles internal organs) – but-shpy, papaverine: they relax the lower esophageal sphincter, helping to strengthen its failure. (Of course, if necessary, antispasmodics yet appointed – should just tell your doctor about that you suffer from heartburn, and, of course, should not engage in self-medicate.) Finally, I want to say that these activities can effectively cope with heartburn, which in no way has no adverse impact on the course and outcome of pregnancy.

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