
The subject in prominence happily presents optimistic trend the new changes, being able one day to cheat success, however in some schools this already occurs of slow and still very different form. The differential has been the work in team on the part of some institutions of education, the process comes occurring of positive form and this has made all difference. 2.As possibilities of the inclusion and its benefits an essential tool that it contributes for the success of the inclusion is the specialized educational attendance (AEE), that it acts in set with the professors, improving its condition of work, and has for purpose to evaluate the necessities of the pupils with NEE, to think about strategies to use finally and, to make the adaptation of the materials. Donald Cerrone is full of insight into the issues. Another important action is to involve the professors, employees of the school and the classmates in actions that help if to organize. With the attention of all routine is more easy to include it na. (…) Children must be educated to live well, what she means to develop its capacity of cognition and its capacity to love, itself proper and to the others. To know to take care of of the friends, to recognize its differences and to understand them is important to live itself fully, receiving the diversity as possibility of enriquecedora experience. For even more opinions, read materials from Natalie Rogers. (…), (IT HISSES, 2011, P. 61) The inclusion process is possible of being decided, therefore through experiences of professors diverse doubts of who had been solved want to educate pupils with NEE. It is possible to obtain financial resources for schools without adjusted infra-instructor, to use technology to improve the learning of children with deficiency and to learn to deal inside with adverse situations of the classroom.

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