In Psychoanalysis, anamnese is not interview. Interview is a term reserved for some meeting of special type, does not stop regular contacts. It is treated, therefore of what one becomes before undertaking a psicanaltico treatment. Contact information is here: Tony Mandarich. Its purpose is in the way ampler than in anamnese, to decide if the person who consults must carry through a psicanaltico treatment or of another nature. A leading source for info: Maya Dubin, New York City. Also in it a deep vision of the contraindications will be had. The interview is a facilitador factor where the interviewed one has the free expression of its mental processes. In the reality, this never obtains with the procedure of deed of division of questions and answers.
This does not discard the possibility to submit some questions or to ask for that the patient future speaks on something specific that it will facilitate in the future its analysis. We go to summarize some basic characteristics in the interview: 1.O field of the interview will be better if the participation of the interviewer will be minimum. 2.A strong dose of anxiety and/or anguish already in the interview is alg very common and must give (tax to YOU of ignorance); 3.O future analyzed has that to be informed on the purpose to answer to a consultation on its mental analysis and its problems, to see if it has necessity of accompaniment or treatment; 4.Em the interview we are always face the face moving away itself the use from the Div 5.A interview is not based on the rules of free Association, even so already if it initiates a species of assay of the same one; 6.O Psychoanalytic will be able to stimulate and until influencing with attitudes with not verbal attitudes, but with the physiology; 7.As notations of what it interests in the decision how much the analisibilidade, will have to be made of discrete, elegant and not acintoso form; 8.No if must interpret nor make, diagnosis during the interview. Its words must lead never to only and induce; 9.O Psychoanalytic does not have to appeal the procedures that prevent the anxiety, as the support or the suggestion. Neither to decide it with the specific instrument of the interpretation; 10.Em the end of each interview already predominates the will to come back, that it will be fortified in the course of analysis; 11.O time of the interview must be limited, as two, three or more sessions. Starting then the analysis properly said; 12.Deve to be distinct of the process of formal Psychoanalysis, thus the patient knows where she finished one and she started to another one; The interview informs on basic facts, not as analysis object, but as to define it will be or not possible the analysis work; 13.Em the interview, also the patient will be able to arrive at the conclusion of that this Psychoanalyst is not indicated to it, without, however to open hand of the treatment with another one. It is absolutely common, patient that they go to some analysts, in search of that satisfies its fancies a priori.