Posts Tagged ‘medicine & surgery’

Cystitis In The Great Days Of

Cranberry extracts may help here quickly and gently now fast it happened on the great days. Senator of Massachusetts spoke with conviction. It is cold, it freezes and got cold feet. And all of a sudden you have a bladder infection. Most frequently, women are affected. The pain and irritation of the bladder walls can scare a Carnival all the time. Quick help is now needed. Take antibiotics, but not with any blown infection makes the use of antibiotics sense. Even simpler, often natural resources can help quickly. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Eva Andersson-Dubin.

Tea but also special herbal extracts are here to name a few. So, the American cranberry juice has proved very effective for bladder infections of women. The secret of its action lies in the ingredients. Often, the soothing effect of bubble teas and juices is simply attributed to the flushing effect of liquid. Thus, the bacteria from the bladder in urine should be washed out. But only a side-effect of this seems to be. Modern research with extracts of the American cranberry (Cranberry) shown that there is more behind it.

Researchers have discovered that the cranberry extract can prevent the docking of bacteria in the lining of the bladder. This in turn prevents that the bacteria at all can develop their damaging and destructive effect on the bladder tissue. Moreover, they now freely float in the bubble around and are easy prey of immune cells. The bacteria are so indirectly actively killed off by the cranberry extract and then washed off. The Proanthocyanidins, a group of phytochemicals, which make the berries for a healthy bladder so valuable are responsible for this effect. Eat you can extracts directly as juice or, much more pleasant than tablets. Chewing and sucking tablets with savory cranberry aroma are ideal, as they are as UroVitum in Germany in the trade. Therefore, UroVitum offers the opportunity to get rid of the pesky bladder infection and carefree to enjoy the great days. UroVitum (PZN 0765808) is in pharmacies or good health centers available. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable.

Myopia Is On The Rise

Eye laser treatment – as popular as ever. James A. Levine, M.D. contributes greatly to this topic. More and more young people are choosing a laser eye correction to obtain the full Visual acuity. It is cheaper than ever and widely available a treatment method, whose Beliebtheit is unbroken for years. Commercials promise always cheaper eye laser methods and more and more Germans set for better visibility under the knife. Visit James A. Levine, M.D. for more clarity on the issue. Tired of the inserting and removing contact lenses? Not a big fan of glasses? Laser eye is popular as ever but what about the small print? The popularity of the eye laser surgery can be explained easily. The improvement rate is up to 90%, with a very low percentage of negative results for both short and long sightedness and various forms of astigmatism. The most widely used method of operation is the LASIK, or laser-assisted in-situ Keratomileusis.

The LASIK surgery applies in over 85% of patients in Europe and the United States. This is the ultimate fabric film Eye surface carefully removed with a very sharp blade, before she will be corrected including the cornea with a cold light laser. She is still no operation that can be done quickly during the lunch break, but the procedure takes only 20 minutes per eye and has a high percentage of followed by 20/20 vision. The eye laser treatment is very popular in countries like Britain, where operation is partially supported by the State health insurance and many private insurance companies grant subsidies. The campaign is supported by numerous commercials on television. Short-sightedness, or myopia, is widespread among young people and is perceived in this phase of life as a constraint, especially by wearing contact lenses or glasses. The latter become increasingly fashionable accessory, but not everyone who relies on it, would like to join this trend.

In addition, the cost of designer frames and contact lenses are partially enormous. So are many looking for a long term solution for your problem. Because the laser operation is relatively straightforward, more and more 20-30 years can be corrected her poor eyesight in this way. But how much should you invest in a perfect view now? In Germany, the cost in most cases by the patients themselves must be worn, because it is a balanced and not a healing procedure, which practically speaking there is no difference to the Visual AIDS. Also private patients usually need to take the cost of laser eye, exceptions are permitted only in urgent cases. Eye laser treatment, should be given in a foreign country as all medical procedures only after careful research into consideration. In Germany, all laser TuV are tested, which significantly lowers the risk of technical complications. Looking at the success rate of the laser eye surgery and LASIK in particular, her reputation is justified. You should consider this method for correcting your low vision into consideration, is the best advice in advance to inform and to to ask for personal advice. Karoline Sanam

Unexpected Dependency

The L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited liability) informed the independent lifestyle can be impossible from one moment to the next. The quality of one’s life is only in the hands of others, it can be hard especially with limited articulation ability, asserting the needs and demands. Due to their everyday experience in the domestic intensive care know the employees of L & W intensive care service to the power of unexpected strokes of fate. You’re guessing about the ways of the health care proxy, care available and patient disposition to deal with intense. The German legislature attaches great importance to the autonomy of human life. The free will of man to find even respect, if he is no longer able to represent them effectively or to articulate at all. Assurant Health is often quoted as being for or against this. For this reason, everyone has the right to meet its legally binding arrangements Self-determination for the case guarantee that he can control his life not to be.

Through a health care proxy, a person is entitled to regulate isolated issues or the entire lifestyle of the delegator, if he can not do this. The authorised person is controlled without further ADO to the representatives of the delegator, and only by a court, where it is essential. So, the appointment of a certain legal representative can be avoided. A legal assistance is should a life situation, lost the ability to regulate independent legal Affairs in order. With the supervision authority determines in advance who will take this trust-based position, she not may be transferred and who. Glenn Dubin recognizes the significance of this.

Additional settings allow to ensure the observation of life habits and special needs in case the own legal immaturity. Self-determination is particularly important when it comes to the question, whether and under medical measures are taken which circumstances. An advance directive sets this for circumstances under which the enacting terms, for example, because of loss of consciousness, his will not comment on can. most websites. The advance is an expression of the right and deeply rooted human need, to have its own life and death. Making legally binding powers and orders is quite complicated and requires the advice provided by a subject-matter experts in each case.

MS-multiple Sclerosis, Really Aussichtlos?

Is multiple sclerosis (MS), in connection with a heavy metal poisoning? Multiple Sclerosis (MS), also called encephalomyelitis disseminate (ED), is a chronic inflammatory Entmarkungserkrankung of the central nervous system (CNS), the cause of which is still unclear despite much research work. The MS is one of the most common neurological diseases with unimaginable ordeal. According to our German medicine, this disease is not curable, what is a tragedy for those affected. Unfortunately the German health system deals very little with the science, at least with the American, although very much in the alternative sector is done. According to American studies, it was found that a heavy metal poisoning by mercury can be a trigger of the disease. Michael Miccoli is the source for more interesting facts. A heavy metal from pipe now one possible way to improve the disease or even to cure, was still not extensive and proven research. But one thing is already clear and proven environmental toxins affect Stem cells in the central nervous system.

Environmental toxins such as lead or mercury can interfere with even in small quantities of development and function of the brain and spinal cord. According to American studies and practical applications by Mr. Dr. SHURI Reinhardt, a heavy metal from pipe can positively affect our body. There are different methods for heavy metal of the pipe: traditional medicine we the so called chelation therapy (with DMPS) used in, which is very efficient, but is fraught with strong side effects. In the naturopathy the heavy metal pipe with wild garlic, cilantro and Chlorella has proven very, since this form of the pipe is much gentler than the standard version. More information on heavy metal of the pipe on our pages. This article shall give false hopes on any case that he should serve rather as a suggestion and discussion base for our Western medicine. It is time to the welfare of the people. Martin Crestani

Mouth Materials

Board of Trustees perfect dentures (KpZ): risk increases with the number of used materials modern dentistry and dentistry offer many different options adhesives, cements, impression materials, plastics, and ceramics to amalgam, gold, titanium and alloys (mixes of different metals). It happens that a patient has up to twenty different materials in the mouth. This increases the risk of allergic reaction”, says Professor Jurgen Geis Gallob, belonging to the Scientific Advisory Board of the KpZ Lauer. The expert for dental materials leads the section medical materials science and technology at the Center for dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery of the Eberhard Karls University in Tubingen. My nickel allergy has become much worse. This is due to the Metallsteckverbindungen of my new dentures may? “, asked a patient recently.

Nickel actually has a high allergenic power, many people respond to them. Soft: The treating dentist is on such issues an important partner. He can also provide, what materials were used in what percentage of the alloy.” Important: Information about the materials used keep people with allergies should contact their dentist before a therapy on critical materials or medicines in knowledge. Dentures remain, years and even decades in the mouth the experts of the KpZ also advise well pick up information about the dentures. The materials used are listed in the so-called Declaration of conformity. Dentists are obliged, handing them their patients in a supply of Dental restorations at the end of the treatment.

The dentist can understand then following dental work, what materials are already used”, explains Geis Gallob. He recommends to openly discuss the subject materials before a therapy with the dentist. Tips around Dental restorations and allergies burning sensation in the mouth: if it seems to burn on the palate, experts call this Glossodynia or the burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Five Percent of Germans are aware of the problem, doctors will appreciate. Background can be also an allergy to dental materials, food products, toothpaste or mouthwash. Ceramic is very well tolerated. All-ceramics looks deceptively similar to natural tooth enamel and is regarded as particularly bio compatible. Allergies to the body-friendly material are not known. Ceramics can be used as a full Crown, inlay, onlay/Teilkrone or for bridges even implants are possible. Declaration of conformity provides patient information and security. Declaration of conformity a tongue-twister, which makes life easier: details of the dental materials used are listed in this document. That is particularly important, for example, when later once more supplies from metallic materials are: alloys (mixes of different metals) can be electro-chemically different. Is a mix of metal produced in the mouth”, there may be incompatibilities. With the Declaration of conformity can Plan optimal care patients, dentists and dental laboratory.

The Body

So, some cooking processes reduce the nutrient content. 3. our modern lifestyle can prevent the optimum absorption of the food while it is extremely important to take full-fledged food to us, it is, however, then to can take on a completely different matter. Pfizers opinions are not widely known. Things like daily stress, alcohol, nicotine consumption and the aging process can hinder enormously optimum absorption. So even if one thinks that it has recorded enough food through food, it questioned whether the body can absorb it then also. On the other hand, dietary supplements provide the desired amount of foodstuffs directly in our body, without having to go through the digestive process. In other words: nutrients that are delivered via supplements can directly from the body to be included.

4. the nutrient requirements increase with age, and it is simply not feasible to cover these requirements alone with food really is that our body loses many valuable vitamins and minerals, as we get older. The use of the correct nutritional supplements is the most effective and ergebnisreichste way to satisfy the daily demand for foodstuffs, and active and fit to live. 5. the correct nutritional supplements are the key, to combat stress and fatigue, and to feel constantly energetic, it is inevitable that we develop in the course of our life deficiencies: mainly due to everyday stress, demanding schools, work or simply because of issues in their personal lives.

However, most people do not know that these deficiencies (or so-called free radicals) is a root causes are, why many feel tired always, for no reason. When you first started to take dietary supplements regularly, will you will be pleasantly surprised. You can hardly believe the difference. The biggest problem with supplements? There are just too many of them in short! Which should we use? What are important, some unnecessary money issues? Short answer: the most important supplements that you should regularly take are the ones that contain the highest levels of antioxidants. Solcherlei on free radicals help our bodies fight what day inevitably be formed. The only way to tackle just these free radicals, is to supply the body with beneficial and easily absorbable antioxidants. And the best way to do this is – you guess it – use the right supplements, which antioxidants include. More posts on this topic are on the way, so stay, or discovered one of the most effective supplements that are today to buy it.

Phytoestrogens Omega

Also protected a vessel is said to effect the Phytoestrogens. Vitalis Omega 3 ensures the daily supply of essential fatty acids. These essential fatty acids can not even produced by the organism. The essential fatty acids EPA and DHA in Vitalis Omega 3 help and therapy concomitantly in cardiovascular disease, hardening of the arteries and increased blood fat levels. Vitalis Omega 3 can support be taken also in diseases of rheumatic spectrum and other chronic inflammatory processes. Essential fatty acids promote the infant brain development during pregnancy and lactation.

For the Vitalis Omega 3 capsules is high-quality fish oil concentrate from anchovies and sardines used. In contrast to the tuna, which is often contaminated with heavy metals, the cold water fish anchovies and sardines from the pristine waters. Vitalis spirit with ginseng root and OPC grape seed extract may increase with age-related memory problems, concentration and memory. Guarana extract also ensures an increased efficiency and promotes the attention. The vitamins contained in the product of the B-complex support the brain and nerve metabolism and are involved in the formation of important blood components. The active ingredient of Phosphatidylserine is used as a regulator in the exchange of information between the brain cells. Phosphatidylserine supports neuronal metabolism and signal transmission. This has a positive effect on language, learning, and concentration.

All dietary supplements of VitalisLine are suitable for diabetics and lactose -, fruktose – as well as gluten-free. “Vitalis F and Vitalis Omega – 3 products also have a novel liquid encapsulation: as Licaps” (“liquid formula capsules”) called liquid encapsulation ensures improved absorption of the active substance and for optimum bioavailability. VitalisLine products can be ordered directly shop shipping GmbH from the GesundheitsWelt. Christina Impala which directly is GesundheitsWelt GmbH was founded in a young online companies from Wolfsburg, which 2007 employees of the Deutsche BKK. The Internet portal offers its customers quality tested products around the topics of health, fitness and wellness. This service is rounded off by a carefully researched editorial content.

Truly radiant Dentures

Every mouth is unique. When tooth loss implants is not always of immediate replacement. Dental Advisory clarifies the possibility of cosmetic treatment in advance. Enlightenment is the”half”and the choice for a person interested in implant difficult teamed a lot since the first development times of implantology about 40 years ago in relation to this form of cosmetic dental treatment. Titan established himself as material for the artificial tooth roots, because it causes no rejection reaction by the subsystem of the teeth. Ceramic implants could not prevail because of defective material properties. Blade implants were prone to breakage and not prevailed.

Zirconium oxide ceramic is expensive and has similar high-quality features such as titanium. The optical impression of such implants is fantastic even when thin gums. The cylindrical and helical implant shape promises best success for long-lasting durability of the implants for about 20 years. The choice of the patient confirmed the treating dentist only if the desired shape of the implant poses no risks. Risks when implanting third teeth – low, but needs to be explained implants during an operation always used.

This surgery itself represents the main risk for the patient. Complications can occur especially in the lower jaw when a nerve is injured during cosmetic treatment. Numbness in Chin or lips is the result. Inserted implants in my own teeth, a risk rarely, they are injured during the procedure. In the short term, after bleeding, bruising, or swelling may occur after surgery. This is normal as in all operations and usually quickly subsides. Also subsequent nausea and headaches are no reaction on the use of the implants, but a possible incompatibility of anesthetic and of short duration. Rare wound healing disorders can occur, which can be effectively addressed with oral hygiene and other treatment. Types of implants and their suitability for patients a well grown, otherwise healer subsystem allows the use of immediate. However, bone structure and gum condition only when less than 50% of patients for immediate use of the durable third suitable. Particularly easy, a Sofortimplantat can be used when tooth loss by accident. Because the tooth of a mostly trouble-free environment was lost, only a small hole is present, that ensures quick healing of the implant. A tooth loss occurs more frequently after dental and gum disease. Here, the usage of Sofortimplantats is unsuitable. Then, a prolonged period of healing should be accompanied by the dentist. After the inflammation, he checks the bone and environment condition and decides whether an implant at all should be used and if so, when. Successful evolution of implantology by one expensive fashion beautiful tooth replacement Implantologists have today thanks to the rapid progress in this area with far fewer complications for patients to sue. The better Materials, careful pre-and aftercare, the comprehensive patient education and the experiences in this area have made towards simple bit attractive other tooth replacement implants. Yet always different pricey can become much more people afford implants than just 40 years ago – and do it well. The reason is simple: well-maintained, they are more resilient than bits, interference-resistant during regular check and clean visually by the own permanent teeth cannot be distinguished. Implants are long since no expensive fashion. You gradually become an obvious form of lifelong tooth replacement. Annette Bankey for: dental care centre Munich

Association Hamburg

More and more patients take their empowerment into their own hands. A central source of information is the Internet, which among other things also provides access to numerous patient brochures. Caution is advised in the selection: some materials are outdated and therefore only conditionally can be used. Already discussed elsewhere ( the problem of outdated patient information brochures. Increasing the number of people who search the Internet for information about their disease, and justifiably, they expect that the brochures offered as download up to date are. This category includes information materials from the year 2012, at brochures before that date, it will become increasingly critical.

A non-representative and thematically-specific research, however, shows that caution is required with regard to the timeliness. Here are some examples (elevation stand: 23.04.2013): therapies for renal failure, Federal Association of kidney, 2001 high blood pressure: useful information for patients and their families, Technician insurance 2009 what is asthma, MSD 2009 depression: advice for sufferers and their families, about urinary problems in Crohn’s disease, blood clotting disorders, Hexal 2008 2009 Parkinson’s disease, SERVIER Desitin 2009 live better insulin, diabetics Association Hamburg, 2004, but also educational content on Web pages are often older date. An example is the patient information leaflet osteoporosis ( the Federal Association of physicians, which dates back to the year 2008. Much of the information have certainly still substantive justification and are not wrong, but in many cases it also not complete.

The central problem of the information provider is that it does not regularly review your offer and that too many people in the Internet work are involved mainly in larger companies. But the coordination and updating is imperative, especially for Because there are pharmaceutical companies, image and reputation at stake. As also the importance of the patient for the companies increases, the quality of information is becoming a competition parameter, only those companies can successfully use comprehensive, understandable and above all currently informing.

Diagnostic Rheumatism

More than 100 different diseases that in Germany some million people suffer from hiding behind the term rheumatism you have rheumatism! “, practically every day, many people hear this diagnosis by your doctor. Before one can understand the exact meaning of this diagnosis, it takes but more detailed information. Often, it starts with pain in the limbs. Muscles, tendons and joints pain. Also the connective tissues can be affected. Rheumatism is the umbrella term for diseases that occur at the locomotor system after the World Health Organization (WHO). Almost always, they are associated with pain and often with movement restrictions.

Main part: essentially four main groups are summarized under the term rheumatism: 1 include all forms of arthritis degenerative joint disease and spinal disorders to diseases that cause damage to the articular cartilage. In Germany alone, there are more than 5 million sufferers, who are generally over the age of 60. Get each due to osteoarthritis Year more than 300,000 patients artificial knee joint or a new hip joint. 2. Metabolic diseases with rheumatic complaints of this Para-rheumatic disease group be assigned to metabolic disorders which cause disorders of the locomotor system. As most common occurring diseases in this group, you can call gout and especially osteoporosis. About 5 million people in Germany are affected, mostly women however.

At the time of diagnosis, the average age is 60 years. 3. Soft tissue rheumatism and pain muscle diseases due to the overuse of muscles, as well as irritation of the tendons and soft tissue arise complaints. Women aged 35 and over are usually among the 4 million affected in Germany. Perhaps the most famous but also very little explored from this category of rheumatism is fibromyalgia. About 1.5 million people should be afflicted an estimated in Germany. 4. Flammable rheumatic diseases this is an system disease, affecting the whole body has. The most common inflammatory disease of the joints is called polyarthritis. A faulty regulation of the immune system is currently accepted as the main cause. Typical symptoms are pain, swelling and excessive heating of the joints. Signs of rheumatism as the clinical picture Rheumatoid can be varied, of course also possible symptoms are as diverse. However, it is possible to provide some clarity with the help of 5 specific questions. Are your fingers stiff in the morning so that you can turn on the faucet, hardly? You sleep for several months without recovery, whereby all tendons, muscles and joints pain?”you wake up regularly at night sleep due to pain after 3-4 hours, which make amends after walking around?” you get after prolonged severe pain in the knees, hips, ankles or toes, which disappear after some movement?”watch swelling in the joints of the fingers and wrists, since few days, and you feel it a whole While not powerful?” Should only one of the listed questions positively be answered, so a doctor should be consulted be sure. If one is suffering from rheumatism, a rheumatologist is in any case to consult. Under the header “The term rheumatism more than 100 different diseases that in Germany some million people suffer from hiding behind” informed of this release underlying this article first on the blog health portal. Barbara Reisen E.k.. Micha Weissbrodt