
For many people, the spring is synonymous of allergies, estornudos, picazn, lagrimeos, congestion, cough, comezn, clearing of the throat, covered nose and tires. These allergies must mainly to the increase of pollens in the nourishing air, to which there is to add other causes that act the year throughout (smoke, detergents, additives, etc). In the spring, the allergies go off and every time they affect greater number of population, nowadays to near 20% of the Chileans. Of equal way, the own changes of temperature of this station do that the influenza and also the resfriados ones accompany many. In order to palliate the allergies, we can help us of some foods. * To take probiotic foods (like yogurth). It is necessary to notice that, there is no an ideal food to resist the symptoms of the allergy, but is a combination of several foods.

Mainly it is necessary to take a sensible and variable diet. These ingestions of nutrients must go accompanied, throughout the day, of abundant water to hydrate the body and to eliminate toxins. In our Web site Nutrition, antioxidants, health you can to find more information on the allergies, feeding and health. Original author and source of the article

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