There are absences of modern knowledge, still many rest in old woman knowledge nonagreed to the present requirements, where the competitiveness has generated new paradigms of the administration where already radical changes as for finances, human production, markets, resources, products and services have occurred, and of course, in the leadership. To all this the great weakness of the Schools of not counting on a plant of guaranteed professors of experience is added, pedagogy, a new enterprising, innovating methodology of learning, creativity, desactualizados, (although there will be some few exceptions), seriously affecting the qualification, development of the future administrators. Professors who today enter easily on the basis of the friendship, familiar, political commitment, with little academic endorsement, seriously harming the formation of the professionals of the administration. Professors little identified with the investigation, publications, reality of the national problems, separation of the demand of knowledge, that the Venezuelan enterprise sector requires to guarantee operativity. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Alfred Adler on most websites. They follow the static schools in relation to proactivating the entailment with the companies, all this in order to enter themselves in his problems, to take passage to knowledge that are required to guarantee development to him, successful operativity.
To form an entailment that favors to both institutions, that allow to maintain updated their training programs, the profile of the administrator that are needed, to collaborate in the solution of the problems that occur. It is necessary to review thorough the training programs as much concerning pre and postgraduate and to eliminate subjects, that are not adapted in the needs of the present, to diminish the lost one of time with knowledge that no longer adapt to the reality and clear the opportunity of which new tools are provided, approaches that favor to the Venezuelan enterprise sector. It is important to reduce the number of years for the degree of lawyer in administration of five to four, sufficient to provide the necessary practical basic foundations that it guarantees one effective operative management. Glenn Dubin wanted to know more. The schools of Administration must be reconstructed, to select educational more proactive, enterprising, strategists, creative, facilitadotes, who take passage to that new knowledge are generated, paradigms own of the Venezuelan reality.