Berlin-vegan support the good intentions for 2010 the number of vegetarian and vegan living people in Germany is steadily increasing, as the acceptance of a vegan lifestyle. Living vegan means no waiver on quality of life and is not intended to asceticism. To view this interested the Berlin-vegan animal rights Alliance organized the vegan taster weeks 16-January 30, 2010 ( berlin/vegan taster weeks /). Spokeswoman said Stephanie Johanna Goldbach: the lesson includes a cooking class with Bjorn Mosch in ski the vegan gourmet-restaurant La Mano Verde ( and Irina Itschert vegan recipe Portal recipe Fox (, a starter and showroom with vegan products to the test and go try, lectures, discussions, film night, vegan-shopping tour, brunch, restaurant pass with discount, dinner, baking and other workshops, personal coaching, and a closing ceremony with vegan buffet. The vegan taster weeks should also serve to show what influence has the nutrition on health, global resources, ecology and climate change, and of course animal welfare. While we do not expect that the participants finally are vegan; rather we want to contribute to show common prejudices about the vegan diet and lifestyle to reduce and the variety of goods and food services”, so Stephanie Johanna Goldbach.
Archive for January, 2018

“Nuclear energy and intellectualism – digital capitalism – man and nature energy wastage in the Postmodernism that horror scenarios of a nuclear meltdown in Japan have the illusion of nuclear energy as a clean and safe source of energy” in painful way into question. The lingering for decades, cramped PR measures of the nuclear lobby got a mighty competition by the forces of nature. He stops now driven massive expansion of nuclear energy by the greed of the digital capitalism (Martin p pole)? In response to this question, we must not overlook the close connection between intellectualism and atomic energy. The production of nuclear power requires not only a high risk technology, but leads to a dead end, in which the ecological cycle with nature will leave. Indicates also the still unresolved problem of final disposal of radioactive waste. The intellectualism is created through a combination of thought content, whose abstract end products of the life and the living body are laced up.
The dead end of related thinking is the destruction and death, but not human life. Therefore, a healthy human sensation leans against the unilateral fantasy”or the unilateral claim to power of the nuclear lobby. It took however until today little taking into account that the human life in the postmodern is characterized by the objectified influence of a variety of related networks. Nuclear energy is just one of the symptoms of it! Who wants to strive for a new relationship, or even a relationship between man and nature must in his calculus include, that it is not possible, the nuclear energy alone, without eliminating consideration of the reification of all nature,. The postmodern life practice consumed a lot of excess energy to compensate for the own powerlessness. On the subject of man and nature see also from the same author: the Copernican revolution in homeopathy – the new deal with the life force, Norderstedt, to the postmodern 2010 Company formation: Martin p Palma: digital capitalism, Norderstedt, 2005 more information and free excerpts at: and
Julia Roberts

Further, the flow of nerve impulses transmitted to the limbic system, which, as we know, responsible for emotions. As a consequence, muscle tone decreases, and the person takes a fairly expression due to stimulation of subcortical brain structures: – Increased mood – improves short-term and long-term memory – activate creative abilities – increased efficiency – normal blood pressure and heart activity – increases the production of immunoglobulin, which strengthens immunity. And smile facilitates communication, makes it easy to make new acquaintances and facilitates communication and flirtation. Many people suffer from loneliness because they can not smile at a stranger. Even when they wanted to do it. And all because there is no practice.
There is such a practice is the medical term – contraction. It implies a violation of joint mobility or muscle stiffness. For example, when the muscles for a long time were not involved. Try to lift a hand at once, after lying with her rented month plaster! Contracture. Used this term in psychology. Look at the faces of people on the street, sometimes you can catch wanton grimace of disgust, and sometimes fear, sometimes gloom. Psychological contracture. The man most likely long lived in fear or was in an unpleasant situation that caused the corresponding mask on his face.
Ho ran down the days, and muscles get used to be in the new position. And then vanished stimulus, and print on the face remained. How such a person to learn to smile, even if his reflection in the mirror he can give only a weak shadow of a smile. Well, not He used to smile, and that's it! Skills are not enough. Interfere with something. That means we need to train. That's one of the techniques. Need to get up in front of the mirror and think of something funny (well, very funny). You want to smile? Allow yourself to it do. And let the smile will initially crooked. Please try again. When will the smile on your face, try to remember this condition, fix it. If it succeeds – then smile played at the right time, remembering this condition will be much easier. Practice your smile a few times a day. First you need to train at home, and then develop skills in public, on the familiar (it's easier), and then strangers, and in different situations. Useful Similar experiments were performed immediately after waking up. Laugh yourself and the coming day, and he'll smile at you! Train and become the owner of an irresistible smile. Incidentally, among the Hollywood stars most breath-taking smile, according to the magazine Glamour, has Julia Roberts. Inner smile when he smiles it will be easier, you can proceed to more difficult exercise – the development of the inner smile. All Taoist masters speak this art, and therefore retain a positive attitude and good health. You need to close your eyes and begin slowly encircling the eye of their bodies, their inner smile smiling and filling them with the energy of love. This is a strong weapon for total relaxation in a position to eliminate any physical and mental tension. Constant practice helps inner smile is better to feel your internal organs, to notice the problem when they Educational and 'suppress them in the bud. " But what is most surprising, though the inner smile and is hidden from your eyes, it can feel the other. From people who have the ability to "inner smile", as if an invisible light emanates. Such people love and respect, they are successful, accomplished and beautiful!

An age the lizard and to another age the butterfly, as I always chose difficult ways, I chose the lizard and that voice said I to go to the search of a new life. After two months, when everybody already had lost the hope, I woke up, and said my life I moved. The days if had passed and I improved very to each day, and I arrived a letter saying that he had passed to be doctor surgeon in the hospital of the city, and would receive six a thousand Reals for month I accepted in the hour. When Donna died left its mansion in my name, was changed for house of it. In day fifteen of fourteen and a thousand July two, my first consultation were that a doctor if had cut, were serious, and had asked for to consult I it.
When the doctor arrives at the surgery room, looks at for scared me and asked for excuse for taken care of not having me in the day that I cut myself, I spoke that I accepted the excuse of it. we turn great friends! when everything was good happened a thing that still improved, found Viviane, I asked for in marriage, and it he accepted! After two years, I already had married, had three children, had a house. most important I obtained a new happy, full life of love and peace. This history that I created account a pretty life of Ademir, that fought in such a way to be a medical surgeon who one day its victory arrived and had in end everything what it wanted. It never leaves to fight for a dream, for more difficult than it is, fights, worse goes to be to have that to admit that never it fought for nothing, goes in front goes that the life of Ademir happens equal.
And You Happened To See Shoes Worn On One Side ?

Here I used to go over some pretty girl – style, brilliance, beauty! All of a brand-new, well, everything in it. Pay attention to the gait – legs straight as needles and long, that is called from the ears, and mowed the outer footwear or the inner side. And this, incidentally, speaks of an incorrect statement of the foot, which eventually leads to a whole bouquet of diseases of the locomotor system. Too convoluted said, although without specialized terms, let's try again: Improper setting of the foot leads to an incorrect load distribution, the result are known to almost all corns, backaches and back, and … horror of horrors – Education ugly bumps in the thumb! How do we avoid these unpleasant consequences? And there is nothing difficult, it is necessary to visit the podiatrist to determine the diagnosis, to listen to the recommendations and corrective insoles purchase statement of the foot and prevent the emergence of health problems in the future. We must honestly say that the assurances of some orthopedic problems is that the feet (and including flat feet) can be corrected at any age, it statement, to say the least unfounded, and simply not supported by science as such a great statistic. In adulthood, the problem can only stop the constant level by wearing orthopedic anatomical stelek.Chto, incidentally, will allow you to wear almost any shoe that you like without fear of serious damage to their health. There is an important reservation should be limited to wearing shoes like high heels, and low heels.
The heel provides a normal load should be two to four inches. At the same time as a childhood problem amenable to adjustment of the stop, by not firmly established bone skeleton of the child. That's why leading podiatrists recommend wearing proper footwear exclusively (in terms of setting foot formation) at an early age – from 2 up to 10-12 years. After all, everyone knows that the problem is easier prevent than to deal with its consequences. For symmetry let leave. Health to you and your legs! Based on materials from the site
The Rules For A Good Move

In this article will suggest some practical things to make a move. The big day has almost arrived. The day of the move. Before that you can enjoy installed in your new home, must go through the tedium and discomfort of having to pack up all their possessions in boxes and moved from one place to another. If you have prepared your tools and materials you can make the operation of Pack as an easier process.
Most of the materials can be purchased at stores of supplies of offices, even in grocery stores or pharmacy stores. In a perfect removal should not flatar: wrapping paper conburbujas of air, to protect the articles more valuable and fragile; tape paraenvolver; paper newspaper, boxes and department stores. There is no better time to get rid of their possessions that don’t serve you when you are packing for moving. Donate used goods possessing at the local branch of the Salvation Army, shelters for people without home, or second hand stores. You is some type of food not? perishable that you won’t use? Contact a local food pantry. You have old toys but in good condition and that their children no longer used more by having grown up? See if a kindergarten or nursery school could use them. Or, if you want to, offer them for sale from home doing a yard – sale! Facilitele to persons who work in moving the identification of their boxes.
Rather than hand placing the name of the rooms in the boxes, print a page of labels for the different boxes and stick one in each box. Provide the operators of moving a new House map that will clearly indicate different rooms, so that they can lead boxes to the correct rooms. Unless you can load their belongings in the rear of your car or truck, you should probably use a professional removal company services.
Insurance Coverage For Every Performance?

The output directory of the Hufeland disease is a stretchable concept and can be handled not by a simple diagnosis, medication or standard therapy. The private insurance Portal provides information about alternative treatments and their insurance status in the health insurance companies. The “Hufeland performance directory of special therapy directions” is a collection of well-known, alternative methods of treatment. Each treatment method, which is not named as a standard solution to a particular clinical picture, is considered to be alternative. An important distinction for the recognition from insurance companies is the classification of alternative treatment options as a cure or as a contribution in the Hufeland performance directory. Both enjoy a very different insurance status. The comparison of individual insurance institutions is worth especially if the potential patient is open to new ways of treating. The performance directory contains, in addition to normal medical procedures such as acupuncture, all kinds of theoretical unexplained and practically proven”naturopathic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that apply as to learn.
In addition to known methods such as homeopathy, elementary therapies, anti Homo toxic and bio-energetic medicine, Kinesiology, methods of traditional Chinese medicine, and much more are offered. Rates for health insurance now while regularly include a healing practical clause, paid treatments but usually only after a simple sentence from the list of charges for health practitioners (fees). Thus accept only proven and widely recognized healing methods. The result is that the patient, despite insurance protection with appropriate clause, at the expense of newer treatment remaining seated. The quality of insurance through a comprehensive package of services worth for treatment pioneers, which should still advance compare the offers and tariff components. More information: naturopaths or hooves land… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59
Orthomolecular Therapy

According to experts in the study of hemorrhoids, over 45% of people around the world have suffered from hemorrhoids The lack of healthy eating and set times cause alterations in the digestive system such as constipation, which in turn can lead to diseases as hemorrhoids, dilated blood vessels and protruding inside and outside the anus in the lower rectum According to experts in the study of hemorrhoids, over 45% of people around the world have suffered from hemorrhoids The lack of healthy eating and established schedules cause alterations in the digestive system such as constipation, which in turn can generate diseases such as hemorrhoids, dilated blood vessels and bulging in and out the anus in the lower rectum When hemorrhoids are complicated, there may be blood leaves after defecation or mixed with feces, blood is fresh, bright red, should always be seen by the specialist to rule out cancer or polyps in the colon. There are different treatments for hemorrhoids * Suppositories classical treatment based on corticosteroids, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory * Orthomolecular Therapy: In the external application (local) creams or suppositories are used with vitamin E (tocopherol) and zinc that is soothing, antiinflammatory and venotonic * Surgical procedures: As a last resort surgery is recommended to get rid of hemorrhoids * Hydrotherapy baths are recommended life of five minutes, twice a day, leaving the affected area well submerged. is sitz baths or pelvic region, at a temperature should be between 37.7 to 40.5 Celsius. Local compresses may be applied at night * Natural treatment for hemorrhoids and I tremendously effective use in less than two days said goodbye wings hemorrhoids is a natural system called HMiracle allowing Delas hemorrhoids heal naturally, without expensive creams, without annoying surgery are treatment costs, discomfort with inflammation? Not stand the pain? concerned about the bleeding? desperate with the itching?.
This Singapore Fitness Association

Does This Singapore Fitness Association (SAA s) s South-east Japan Games squad received a new monthly sponsorship improve last night, well before Nov 11-22? s MARINE Games throughout Palembang. Sports-apparel provider Asics, in whose items are sent out by means of Runner s World throughout South-east Japan, includes authorized with as the established competition-wear bring in with the track-and-field athletes, fo.asics tiger r at first chance since 1993 some. This some athletes are going to be putting on Asics garments and also boots and shoes throughout MARINE Games competitive events and also movements. This sponsorship may be valued at $20, 000, and also is perhaps the beginning of an longer-term relationship concerning SAA tu tambien Runner s World. .cheapest asics shoes Asics online as well proclaimed last night so it would likely deliver an incentive pay back with $1, 000 for every precious metal, $500 for every gold, and also $300 for every bronze won through the track-and-field athletes with the some MARINE Games. Said Mr Andy Zhao, main professional policeman with Runner s Worl.asics tiger onitsuka d: This pay back can be our method of motivating our some athletes who will be carrying out their for you to bring beauty for you to Singapore. SAA s relationship using individuals may be a large showing belief throughout Asics with boot and also garments technological know-how, which could support this some athletes upskill the overall performance through the rivalry. MARINE Games team captain Kenneth Khoo, twenty nine, that is starting his or her lastly MARINE Games, believes which the sponsorship and also pay back available by means of Asics are absolutely a fantastic commitment.