If you are looking for car hire in Mallorca, you better hurry. The fleets have been reduced due to the financial crisis. See for help. When the holidays start in the summer, starts at the same time the Hauptreisesaison and hence the run on the car. Just in this year, it makes sense to compare the relevant car rental providers in Mallorca before arriving to Mallorca over the Internet and to book the appropriate car rental online.
Car rental at the various car rental providers to get in recent years at Mallorca airport still enough free so the number of available car is dropped this year enormously. To know more about this subject visit patrick dwyer merrill lynch. The reason is, as so often, the economic crisis. Because the banks have tightened their credit lines and the automaker no longer take back the car of the party years of use to 1-2, the car rental providers in Mallorca have shrunk their fleets. Unfortunately, even an increased demand comes to this reduced total number of available car rentals Mallorca by Tourists. All of this leads to bottlenecks.
Industry insiders estimate that the car rental providers in Mallorca have rented out already 95% car hire for the main travel season from July until September. What does that mean for you? If you want to travel this year to Mallorca and rent a car, speed is needed. If you book your car now over one of many price comparisons for car hire Mallorca, as the eponymous Portal car rental provider mallorca.de, you can still extensively compare and choose the lowest prices. So then are instructed in the holiday not on public transport or taxis, but can enjoy their holiday. Who wants to go play it safe so even before the holiday, the Bay for example under.