When you’re in the land of conquest, you can not only play as the Hunter who goes by the dam, on many occasions is also healthy that play other roles because it allows you to learn a lot of mistakes made by other people as well as the information of what you are interested in a woman without having to play a friend.One of these papers is the wingman, basically this character has the difficult task of facilitating conditions to a friend so you can conquer that girl that you are interested in, to do this you must remove obstacles that impede the task to a friend. Below I give you 4 councils to meet this goal. Do not fight for the same girl, or in front of it: that is, if you are taking the role of wingman of your friend or vice versa, it is important that they are not behind the same girl, because this may ruin the friendship and also the girl will flee, or at least start with a bad impression on her. Remember that the idea is to eliminate other obstacles, not become one more than them. Say positive things: remember that the idea is facilitate the task to your friend, so make sure you say positive things about your friend, leave him well. It is important that so you know your friend, and they agree on what things you’re going to make it, is if you say things as he is fluent in another language and your friend just and can count up to 5 in that language. If you can talk alone with her, make sure you slide some positive comments about him to increase the interest in it, but do it subtly so that she does not realize your role in the matter.
Gives you space to act: a good wingman knows when it is time to leave his friend and when is the time to intervene in any way. In particular, when his friend is well on track towards success and he should disappear from scene to let it do its magic. This is precise in conversations, many times your friend will stay without topics by the pressure of the moment, in these cases glide a topic of conversation that will help to your friend and he continued from there onwards; is not obscure your friend or make it look like useless because of that shape both essential and out to conquer assisted sense is lost. Prepare to be a conqueror: a good wingman is a safe man, who helps his friend because he knows that it is a good deed and want to have a good time knowing girls and their friend can also do so. This is useful if you prepare with the knowledge and the experience to know how close the girls and how to start the conquest to do so I recommend watching this video with some tips about it: see video. As well as recommend visit this page which describes the potential within the conquest with advanced techniques of seduction. Original author and source of the article.