Wolfgang Spiegel Karlsruhe, CheMin GmbH, Augsburg Prof. Dr.-ing. Peter Quicker, teaching and research of energy raw materials, RWTH Aachen-Dipl.-ing. Andreas Walter, ete.a engineering company for energy and environment engineering & Consulting mbH, Lich about selection criteria for the choice of the right waste gas cleaning method – reduction or capture of light volatile organic gases for exhaust air from factories – level of revision of BREF waste treatment and incineration – mountain technical recovery of flue gas cleaning residues from incineration plants – optimised operating results for REAs through the use of the tray method – reduction potential of existing SNCR in the MHKW of Frankfurt/main – concepts for the absorption of HF, HCl, SOx and B2O3 and adsorption of dioxins/furans and Hg behind thermal processes – virtually dry flue gas cleaning of E.ON energy from waste EEW pegs – operating experience dry flue gas cleaning with integral recirculation and SCR, optimized SO2 raw gas tips – Xerosorp + – Hinwil – sodium bicarbonate as an additive for exhaust gas cleaning. The results of optimized exhaust cleaning procedures for the use of savings, increased efficiency or highest waste separation services can be transferred mostly to processes for metallurgical plants, foundries, chemical, glass and cement industry.
Fax Cleaning
November 17th, 2018 Cheryl