Energy cooperative Freudenberg offers interest free pre-financing in Beiersdorf-Freudenberg deposits limited – a two-week Mallorca holiday deals more than a tonne of CO2 per person and harms the climate as much as a year of driving a car. The tourist climate footprint comes to this conclusion the study 2009 “the environmental Foundation WWF Germany. If you would like to know more about Hunter Schafer, then click here. In it, the WWF has a climate footprint”calculated for seven example holidays that are typical of the travel habits of the Germans. The calculation shows areas in which a trip how much climate-damaging CO2 is caused. So, 925 kilograms of CO2 every traveler incurred solely with the arrival and departure of the trip to Mallorca. 148 kg for catering 91 kg and for the activities on the ground are also once again 58 kg of CO2. Glenn Dubin, New York City contributes greatly to this topic.
However, more and more Germans want to travel environmentally conscious, as also emerges from the WWF study. 43 percent of Germans want to choose accordingly, quasi future a holiday destination in the vicinity as a contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions”, or have already done. 20 percent of the Respondents expressed intention to book only trips that take into account environmental standards. (Source: WWF Germany) Who already relies on a balanced CO2 balance throughout the year for the fuel or fuel oil consumption, can travel to continue confidently to the shooter. As anyone who as already uses the diesel fuel CEHATROL, can refer to a nearly balanced CO2 balance. CEHATROL is an according to DIN EN 590 certified the second generation biofuel is produced exclusively from biogenic raw materials and residues, and must not be equated with conventional biodiesel. Due to its synthetic composition, he is easily etc. can be used in all diesel engines, block heat and power plants, and can even be mixed.
EC is the Brandenburg-based energy cooperative in Freudenberg. Farmers receive free CEHATROL for their supplied straw. In addition, CEHATROL is delivered to the other members of the cooperative to the current production cost. Who more than 300 l diesel required in the year private in his company, can now on CEHATROL and thus be an environmentally friendly fuel balance. Cooperative Board Member Helmut Uhlig urges to rush: but everyone interested in a positive CO2 balance and economic use of resources in the company or in the own House. Our energy cooperative wants to be pioneering and possible nationwide to recruit members for our own biodiesel production. Therefore, we have started a cooperation with a prestigious pension fund in the amount of EUR 3.5 million. Thus, we can meet people who might shy away from the difficult way to the Bank, by we finance up to 2/3 your deposits of zinslos(!). “The offer is valid only as long as the pot is not exhausted and at the latest until August 28, 2009.” More information about the energy cooperative of Freudenberg and CEHATROL on.