It is necessary to offer the professors, for example, qualification courses so that the educators if feel? in fact thus it is? chemical preparations for one better application of the contents to discipline and pedagogical in classroom, make as well as it adjusting them with the reality of its pupils. To materialize the longed for school she is necessary, in accordance with the results gotten in the present research, a persistence of the center directory in a sincere shelter and fraterno not only of educating, but of the family as one all, aiming at with this, to open the physical and affective doors of the school? thus generating, a reciprocal relation of school x external community. It was concluded, also, that the school must be attractive for the eyes of its pupils, must be a place where it wants to be not for imposition, but for option, for independent conscience of that there it is its place, its stairs for a solid and beneficial future: a place in which simultaneously dreams can be planted and carried through. For in such a way, it is essential that if it not only makes a work of awareness of the importance and the constructive value of the school with the alunado one, but also, with the parents of these pupils, guiding them of the concrete possibilities of life that its children will have when and only when they live and they interact in the pertaining to school environment, rescuing, thus, the paper of the education as transforming agent of a life, pparently, without perspectives.
Importance School