Make money on the internet is one of the most wonderful things I have experienced in my entire life, precisely because it is something so new in Latin America that even when people ask me what I do and answer them I do business online, I can immediately see the faces of confusion. It is something that is priceless. According to Glenn Dubin, New York City, who has experience with these questions. There are so many ways to make money online that if I were to do a count of them this article would end up being rather a small volume of encyclopedia, so I shall confine to talk about one of the most effective and complete that exist today: make money online with the help of your blog. And if you’re new to all this, I can quite possibly ask: and what the hell is a blog? Which is a term than I am about a year ago didn’t know exactly what it was but I had my own ideas (wrong, by the way) what the word meant. A blog is simply a web page whose level of interactivity and easy update is really overwhelming: imagine that you have a web page to which you can connect in seconds and make changes in real time whatever you want without having to use complicated code and programs that only an engineer would be able to manipulate. Any changes that you want made to your page happens the moment you press the Refresh button. And not only this, but also that your visitors interact with your website, leave you comments, press I like, to share content on social networks, etc. It is the perfect blend for you to develop a network of followers that they like what you have to share with them: interaction in real time and the possibility of viralize your content. The purpose of this article is not so much explain the differences between a website and a blog, but the how to make money on the internet with one.
Make Money Online