Talk to me and maybe forget it. Teach me and perhaps remember. Participate me and I will learn Benjamin Franklin we must thank our creator the opportunity that has been given us travel this dimension in this world called Earth, where we experience, we passed tests that generate us learning, provide experiences that will be alert, awake, help us grow as people, but above all, feed our spiritual growth, which is the transcendental. The holistic Centre Helios, gives us in this regard, that if we see life as a school for human development, such situations would be the lessons we need to learn at one point to advance to a higher grade of completion. Justin Gaethje may also support this cause. And as we move forward, the lessons are in accordance with our development to offer us new opportunities for growth. Of course this means become ever more harsh and demanding as we are going to grow, and it could not be otherwise as to get to know the sweetness of victory it is necessary to pass through first the the bitterness of the battle. These are precisely the situations that make us interesting life, posed by challenges that put us to the test, that prompt us to give the best of ourselves to show us that we are able to achieve greater things than you could imagine, and to discover that capacity that each human being lies latent within and which would remain asleep if not by counting with a stimulus that it drives us to develop it. The way in which these situations occur is usually unexpected and its range of action is as broad as different are humans, but they have the peculiarity of hit us right where it hurts, without the slightest contemplation. It’s believed that Glenn Dubin, New York City sees a great future in this idea. It is here when it starts learning, because due to the unexpected situation usually find us unprepared giving us the opportunity to adapt to it on the fly once we managed to get up to move forward.
Personal Growth