
Arthritis and chronic rheumatism – the widespread disease. Doctors who are treating rheumatism, can slow the process and stop it. But, mostly, these diseases are incurable type. Folk healers are aware a number of highly effective treatments for these diseases. General guidelines for treatment of arthritis and rheumatism: It is recommended to exclude from the diet of meat and fat, should reduce the consumption of foods high in starch.

So it's best to start treatment of arthritis and rheumatism in the autumn, when fruits and vegetables in abundance. It is useful to use fresh, not pasteurized milk and dairy products such as sour milk, yogurt. Should used in the diet of fresh tomatoes, fresh blueberries or cranberries, raw apples, and drink plenty of hot liquids, except for coffee, for sweating. In severe, advanced cases before the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism patients are advised to 3-6 days to take nothing except the warm boiled water. At the same time, it should follow the chair. On an empty stomach at night and recommended an enema. Patients should beware of cooling and wash with cold water. Must often take hot bath is very useful for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism treatment, so you should check your heart. At some stages of the disease when hot tubs is prohibited, should be taken in moderation, and a short time. Procedures for using the baths are recommended when there is no pathological heart conditions.

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