GETUP Congress

Participants of the last year of the Conference enthusiastically when scheduling for 2010 an appointment should be scheduled already now fixed: the 23 and 24 April 2010. Since then the GETUP Congress 2010 ( in Essen is held parallel to the FIBO. The Conference for the industry of the future is organised prevention, fitness and health in turn by the German University of prevention and health management ( and the organiser of FIBO Reed Exhibition. In the exhibition hall of food numerous trade visitors are expected during the GETUP Congress again, which take advantage of the high-profile conference program. Deal with Congress will be 2010 management – changes successfully with the theme of change”.

As in the previous year can be selected again from an extensive Congress programme. The participants of the last year, including students, graduates and training companies of the German University, are convinced by the Congress for the industry of the future. Vote for Congress 2009: Florian Barth,. Graduate of Bachelor in economics of fitness”: I visited the Congress for the reason, because it is just interesting to look at the forums. The participants could directly ask questions to the lecturers and even connect the whole thing with the fair. You informed about the latest things being discussed in the industry and can interact with the Faculty of the College and industry experts. Daniel Kaptain, studying master in health management”: I was at the Congress, to get current practice knowledge and tips for implementing and scene so a bit again to check up to date.

And of course to meet people again, seen only once in a year, say here at the Congress. My expectations have been met in full. Especially the best practice were interesting things because there could see the innovations of the industry and compare with the stand, where one is. Philipp Schmieja, graduate of Bachelor’s degree in fitness economy”: the Conference offered from technically well-founded, up-to-date information through lectures by experts various areas of the health care industry and subsequent discussion. Also proven projects were presented, and could be discussed in the connection via their sustainability liked especially well. So you could take out directly useful for the daily work. The Congress is also a meeting place for colleagues and students. So, you could make contacts and expand. In addition, to visit the FIBO during the Congress and to bring the latest trends and developments in the industry in experience was possible.” Arne Maka, speaker in the Forum movement: the fact that the offer of the GETUP Congress as well by our students was accepted encouraged us to continue on this path and are doing even better and more interesting. 23-24 April 2010 prevention, fitness and health, held for the fourth time parallel to the FIBO, the leading trade fair for fitness, wellness and health in food, the GETUP Congress, the Congress for the industry of the future. In turn the GETUP Congress is organised by the Germans College for prevention and health management and the organiser of the FIBO Reed Exhibition. 2010, participants can select from a wide range again. From exciting talks on best-practice presentations up to the moderated forums exercise, nutrition and management, and lively discussions, each participant is the right thing. Also, the individual programme items offer the chance to take helpful tips and instructions for their own daily work. For information about the Congress, see.

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