The cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) is defined as the interruption of the activities respiratory and circulatria effective. The nursing has extremely important paper in the attendance to the PCR, event where the organization is indispensable, the emotional balance, the theoretician-practical knowledge of the team, as well as the correct distribution of the functions on the part of these professionals, who represent, many times, most of the team in the atendimentos of PCR. The intention of the accomplishment of this article consists of rescuing the theoretical recital in the identification and treatment of the cardiorrespiratria stop, as well as the nursing assistance. One is about an article having as metodolgica base the bibliographical one, based through the collection of data on scientific articles. Such boardings had made in them to understand the stages of one better reanimao, as well as the paper of the nursing and the nurse during this event, contributing of positive form for our theoretical enrichment. In Nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB). Email: 1 Academic in Nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB). The development of the medicine in the last century gave to place the significant alterations in the scope of the health.
With the introduction of the ressuscitao to cardiopulmonar (RCP), many advances in the attendance of the cardiovascular emergencies and in the advanced support of life had occurred. These interventions have contributed to reestablish the circulation and to improve the survival of victims of cardiorrespiratrias stops (DALRI et al, 2008). The cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) is defined as the interruption of the activities respiratory and circulatria effective.