Posts Tagged ‘health and beauty’


Epidemiological Analysis of the main Causes of Accidents in Surgical Nursing Center Maria of the Spirit Saints After Graduating Nursing in Surgical Center for University Nine of July email: Emilton Dos Santos Oliveira After Graduating Nursing in Surgical Center for University Nine of July email: milhas@ Summary This work is a bibliographical research, that has as objective to elucidate the main causes of the accidents in nursing in surgical center. The unexpected ones related to the nursing in surgical center are factor of scientific interest in result of the caused damages the population in general. The accidents involving professional of the nursing can result in delays or cancellations of surgeries, generate financial damage and reduction in the quality of the perioperatrio hospital service, hemodinmica instability or desistance of the surgery for the patient and functional incapacity of the professionals. (As opposed to Glenn Dubin). An epidemic of accidents involving professional of the nursing in surgical center can in general result in calamitous damages the health of the population. It is of utmost importance that the managers in nursing know preventively to work this problematic one with the objective to eliminate the .causing principles of the accidents. Word-key: Unexpected in nursing, causes of the accidents in nursing. If you have read about farhaad already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This work is literature, which aims you elucidate the main you cause of accidents in nursing in the operating room. Contingencies related you nursing in the operating room is the factor of scientific interest a result of damage caused you the general population. Accidents involving nursing professionals may result in delays or cancellations of surgeries, generate financial loss and decrease in quality of hospital service perioperative hemodynamic instability or cancellation of surgery by patient and disability professionals..

In Brazil

In diabetes of type 2, these intracellular reactions are diminished, becoming, thus the insulina little effective in the stimulation of the captation of the glucose for fabrics. The accurate mechanisms that lead resistance the insulina and the engaged secretion of insulina in diabetes type 2 are unknown, even so if it believes that the genetic factors play one funo' '. (Brunner, 2000, P. 935). Brunner (2000) relates that the clinical manifestations of diabetes include ' ' The poliria, the polidipsia that occurs in consequence of the extreme loss of I eliminate associated to diurese osmtica. The patient also tries decurrent polifagia of the induced catablico state for the deficiency of insulina and the clivagem of proteins and lipdios.

Among others they can feel fatigue, weakness, alterations of the vision, formigamento, dormncia in the hands and feet, dry skin, injuries that cure of slow form and infections recorrentes' '. The main goal of the treatment of diabetes is to normalize the activity and the sanguineous levels of glucose to reduce the development of vascular and neuropticas complications. Five components of treatment of diabetes exist: nutricional, physical exercise, monitorizao, farmacolgica therapy and education in health. (Brunner, 2000, p.936). It hisses (2007), tells that ' ' diabetes mellitus is considered one of the main chronic illnesses of the present time, in virtue of its great incidence in the world-wide scene and of the great number of complications related to this illness, recognized because of the increase of the life expectancy of populao' '. Rabbit (2009), tells in its article, that: ' ' Diabetes mellitus is a great problem of public health, for if dealing with a chronic riot with raised morbi-mortality taxes, that affect great part of the population, having as cause hereditary and ambient factors. In Brazil, they is esteem that five million people with DM exist, being that almost half (46.5%) is unaware of the diagnosis.

Cardoso Children

In this direction, much has been argued between the academic sectors or of the press the attribution to the television of a ditatorial ancestry on the children, finishing for vilanizar it standing out its nocividade on the same ones, becomes when them vulnerable the consumption, the violent contents, a formation? aesthetic, emotional and sexual? precocious, in the measure where they incorporate the attitudes of definitive personages, which, many times, reproduces the social system of hegemony, ideologically transmitted through the drawings. Souza and Cardoso (2008, P. 3-4), in this context, declare that the children attend and not only memorize the livened up drawings; before, ' ' they make of these drawings and seriados, part of its playful universes, usufructing of images seen in the TV, to be placed in the place of the personages, and generally are placed in the place of that personage who more calls it ateno.' ' These authors strengthen that ' ' the great majority of the children consumes products seen in the TV, demonstrating the influence of the media in the question of consumo' ' , either on its tricks, clothes and toys. For other opinions and approaches, find out what David Cordani has to say. In the room of professors, in the informal colloquies, some research, it is common if to hear commentaries regarding the maleficent effect that the TV and the infantile programming exert on the child in a general way. If the colloquy will be deepened, is arrived to hear it that it has left of the indiscipline and of inadequate attitudes of the children they are attributed to the images and to the messages that the medias of mass, in special the TV, and to the violence transmitted for the infantile drawings, provoke.

Common sense, vitiated reproduction of a speech spread out for studies that focus only one side of the problem. In a question-answer forum Aflac was the first to reply. In accordance with Igns Maria Great Carlos (2003, P. 105), the truth is that she is unaware of yourself or she does not perceive despite is possible to make of the ways and them propagated messages allies in the educative process that, as already it knows well, goes beyond the space of the classroom and the organized contents for didactic books. .

Program Health

It is a resource where the knowledge scientifically produced in the field of the health is intermediated by the health professionals and reaches the daily life of the people, a time that the understanding of the patients in the process health-illness offers to subsidies for the adoption of new habits and behaviors of health. In the decade of 1990 the implementation of the strategy of the Program has beginning Health of Famlia (PSF) that, in the context of the politics of Brazilian health, it would have to contribute for the construction and consolidation of the SUS. Having in its base the estimated ones of the SUS, the strategy of the PSF brings in the center of its proposal the relative expectation to the reorientation of the model assistencial from the basic attention. By the same author: American Family. 8 the development of a new based assistencial model in the principles of the PSF does not imply a retrocession how much to the incorporation of advanced technologies, as the initial understanding of that the PSF would correspond to a medicine simplified destined for the poor persons; before this, such proposal demand the reorganization of the contents knowing of them and practical of health, of form that these reflect the estimated ones of the SUS in daily making of the professionals. 9 the Strategy Health of the Family is a model of assistencial attendance, reorienting the system of health from the basic attention, creating and keeping teams of health with some professionals that has as rules of work the units of health. The thematic one could approach the forms of transmission and treatments of the DSTs in individuals of the third age; to give voice to the individuals of the third age concerning knowledge on DSTs; however it was opted to carrying through the study concerning the speech of the Nurses of UBS and UBSF how much orientaes in health on DST to the group of the third age.

Heart Health

The cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) is defined as the interruption of the activities respiratory and circulatria effective. The nursing has extremely important paper in the attendance to the PCR, event where the organization is indispensable, the emotional balance, the theoretician-practical knowledge of the team, as well as the correct distribution of the functions on the part of these professionals, who represent, many times, most of the team in the atendimentos of PCR. The intention of the accomplishment of this article consists of rescuing the theoretical recital in the identification and treatment of the cardiorrespiratria stop, as well as the nursing assistance. One is about an article having as metodolgica base the bibliographical one, based through the collection of data on scientific articles. Such boardings had made in them to understand the stages of one better reanimao, as well as the paper of the nursing and the nurse during this event, contributing of positive form for our theoretical enrichment. In Nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB). Email: 1 Academic in Nursing for the College San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB). The development of the medicine in the last century gave to place the significant alterations in the scope of the health.

With the introduction of the ressuscitao to cardiopulmonar (RCP), many advances in the attendance of the cardiovascular emergencies and in the advanced support of life had occurred. These interventions have contributed to reestablish the circulation and to improve the survival of victims of cardiorrespiratrias stops (DALRI et al, 2008). The cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) is defined as the interruption of the activities respiratory and circulatria effective.

Chang Treatment

The face paralysis is a common clinical disfuno in neurology, and affects the activity of the daily life even though and the professional activity, therefore the face summons discloses it of our expression and is essential part of the communication human being. Among the etiologies they are distinguished: injuries in VII the craniano nerve (face nerve), for vascular tumors, abcessos, afeces or traumas until the idiopticas (Paralysis of Bell) or iatrognicas. Also it has the possibility of that it can occur for primary an inflammatory process, imunolgico or of viral etiology (Fisher, 2003). The objective of this study was to identify resulted that they point the difference of therapeutical reply how much to the intervention in acute and chronic phase, establishing the used acupontos, as well as the contribution of the acupuntura as complementary form and its benefits as technique in the treatment of face paralysis. 2.

METHODOLOGY was carried through bibliographical research in periodic national and the international ones and books. The database for selected articles was Bireme (virtual library), with consultation in the PubMed, Lilacs and SciElo with the following describers: acupuntura, face paralysis, acute phase, acupontos, and its correspondents in English language: acupuncture, face palsy, acute phase, acupoints, of February the April of 2011. The studied articles of face paralysis and acupuntura had been divided in two groups. First inclua texts with aspects anatomical epidemiologists and of the face paralysis and according to the use of the acupuntura in the treatment of the face paralysis. 3. RESULTED the results they had disclosed that the acupuntura, comparative to the treatment for corticosteroides of the medicine occidental person, better has effect in the treatment of the peripheral face paralysis in shorter stated periods. Moreover, it was observed that the acupuntura applied in the acute phase led to the biggest regression of the disfuno. Table 1.

Nursing Inefficacious Respiratory Standard

Familiar processes Modified Definition: Psicossociais functions, physiological spirituals and of the familiar unit are disorganized. Defining characteristics: Diminished physical contact. 4.3 – Interventions of Nursing Inefficacious Respiratory Standard? To locate you twist to optimize them gaseous; – To place lying when possible, therefore this position results in one better oxygenation, alimentaes most tolerated and organized standards of sleep-vigil more; – To place in the supina position with the extended neck and the nose directed toward the ceiling to prevent any nip of the aerial ways; To observe shunting line presences of the desired functioning; To recognize signals of respiratory anguish? retractions, snores, cianose, opening of the nostrils, apnea, taquipnia, low oxygen saturation; To execute the prescribed project of suplementao of oxygen. Risk For Infection? To assure that all the cuidadores wash the hands before and after handling the just-been born one to minimize the exposition the infectious microorganisms; To assure that all the equipment in contact with the Rn is clean or barren; To prevent that carrying members of the team of infections of the contagious ways respiratory or enter in contact with the Rn; To isolate the other Rn that has infections in accordance with the politics of the institution; To instruct the members of the team and the parents how much to the procedures of control of the infection; To manage antibiotics as prescribed; To assure strict asepsis and/or sterility in the invasive processes and equipment such as peripheral therapy IV, lumbar punes, and insertion of venoso arterial catheter/. Inefficacious Termorregulao? To place the Rn in the incubadora, cradle of radiating heat or dress in an opened cradle to keep the temperature well corporal steady; Monitorizar the axillary temperature in the unstable just-been born ones; To verify the temperature of the Rn in relation to the temperature of the environment and the temperature of the unit of heating to detect loss of heat for radiation; To prevent situations that can premake use the Rn the loss of heat, as cold weathering needs ‘as’, current of wind, bath or cold scales; To teach to the parents of the Rn the techniques to prevent loss of heat in house. .

Acute Resistance Training

Original article ACUTE ALTERATIONS HEMODINMICAS PROVOKED BY THE RESISTED TRAINING Hemodynamic Changes Caused by Acute Resistance Training Jose Adnailson Da Silva Branches Humberto Moura Barbosa ASCES Association Superior Caruaruense de Ensino, Pernambuco, Brazil. Committee of ethics and research N letter 015/10 CEP/ASCES Jose Adnailson Da Silva Branches Street: Blessed Ccero Veras, 39 Center, Cupira Pernambuco. ACUTE ALTERATIONS HEMODINMICAS PROVOKED BY THE RESISTED TRAINING Summary Objective of the present study was to identify to the behavior of the double product (DP) and of the sistlica arterial pressure (SHOVELS) and diastlica (PAD) in rest and effort, in the exercise peck-deck, crucifixo, leg-press 45 and agachamento being carried through 10 repetitions 75% of 1RM. The sample was constituted by young citizens of the masculine sort (n=31), with average of age of 22,5 1,55 years, average of the corporal mass of 75,5 2,2 kg, average of 1,75 stature 0,62m and IMC (Kg/m2) 24,7 1,8 Kg/m2. For the gauging of the Cardiac Frequency one was used freqencmetro Polar MZ1, and for the Arterial Pressure (Par) one was used esfignomanmetro aneroid, and a estetoscpio Littman (U.S.A.). For analysis statistics a exploratrio study (asymmetry, curtose, test of normality of Shapiro Wilks) of the data with the objective was initially carried through to take care of to the estimated theoreticians of the normality of the curve, and later the descriptive statistics and test t of Student for repeated samples.

All the statistical analyses had been carried through in the SPSS will be Windows, version 10.0. Significant differences between the average values had been proven of (SHOVELS) (p = 0,000) (DP) (p = 0,000) in the exercises for superior members, crucifixo and peck deck. (SHOVELS) (p = 0.071) and difference significant in (DP) of effort (p = 0,008) in the exercises for inferior members, agachamento and leg press 45.

It Seems A Chafariz

The Human being created to the Image and Similarity of the Universal GOD, cannot be shaken with small things. It has in itself the Largeness of the Celestial Father who created it with all its benesses. The fights of the life appear for it to forge in the Good the character. Thus it describes it Ezequiel Prophet: face of Man = endowed with Intelligence, face of lion = endowed with force, face of ox = endowed with perseverance, face of eagle = penetrating vision. The form of its faces seems a chafariz was as of man; to the right, the four had lion face; to the left, face of ox; also face of eagle, all the four. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 1:10.

The Man is not a chafariz Launching for high the Much water fervente For being grumbler With the life that leads. Its act Sample one future better Existence, That is not finished in the dust Of not the inexistence. The Force with it is Stops with firmness molding its Destination. Its vision does not stop in the gift, But it glimpses to the front a perpetual time. Man! You cannot to outside launch the water that arises to compensate you, Because, with honor; You are part Of the Mother Nature firms That you in the beauty Of the Perpetual Existence.

Crespo History

In such a way, the subject body object modifies the culture and the moment where it lives, as well as suffers alterations in consequence of the lived context. In this direction, to think about history of the body it is also to think about the cultural processes, in the social relations that dictate each moment of history. A body becomes one without limit of possibilities, that can, each moment, in determined time of history if to modify. The history of the body must find its main justification in the problems that if place the men of the current world. For Crespo (1990), the body is symptom of culture and differences: (…) the history of the body cannot leave of being a distinguishing history, in search of the inaqualities between the life times the social human being, places and groups; knowing of the practical scholars and the espontaneidade of the traditional ones enters, the Real and the imaginary one; at last, between diverse mentalities, opposing ways to represent the body or it to exercise for multiple techniques (CRESPO, 1990, p.12). We as soon as perceive the history of the body is always incomplete because it suffers innumerable mutations. Thus, it becomes indispensable to go deep the inquiries on practical and the representations of body, a time that still has very for knowing in an area where ' ' dimension escondida' ' of the behaviors human beings it is of an unexpected wealth, over all when these say respect to the appearance of the people. The proper history of the adaptation of the human being to the environment since the industrial revolution until the technological revolution, in which we are inserted, allows to observe the complexity of the process. The body that we see is not only what in the ones of the support to exert the diverse activities day to day.