Further, the flow of nerve impulses transmitted to the limbic system, which, as we know, responsible for emotions. As a consequence, muscle tone decreases, and the person takes a fairly expression due to stimulation of subcortical brain structures: – Increased mood – improves short-term and long-term memory – activate creative abilities – increased efficiency – normal blood pressure and heart activity – increases the production of immunoglobulin, which strengthens immunity. And smile facilitates communication, makes it easy to make new acquaintances and facilitates communication and flirtation. Many people suffer from loneliness because they can not smile at a stranger. Even when they wanted to do it. And all because there is no practice.
There is such a practice is the medical term – contraction. It implies a violation of joint mobility or muscle stiffness. For example, when the muscles for a long time were not involved. Try to lift a hand at once, after lying with her rented month plaster! Contracture. Used this term in psychology. Look at the faces of people on the street, sometimes you can catch wanton grimace of disgust, and sometimes fear, sometimes gloom. Psychological contracture. The man most likely long lived in fear or was in an unpleasant situation that caused the corresponding mask on his face.
Ho ran down the days, and muscles get used to be in the new position. And then vanished stimulus, and print on the face remained. How such a person to learn to smile, even if his reflection in the mirror he can give only a weak shadow of a smile. Well, not He used to smile, and that's it! Skills are not enough. Interfere with something. That means we need to train. That's one of the techniques. Need to get up in front of the mirror and think of something funny (well, very funny). You want to smile? Allow yourself to it do. And let the smile will initially crooked. Please try again. When will the smile on your face, try to remember this condition, fix it. If it succeeds – then smile played at the right time, remembering this condition will be much easier. Practice your smile a few times a day. First you need to train at home, and then develop skills in public, on the familiar (it's easier), and then strangers, and in different situations. Useful Similar experiments were performed immediately after waking up. Laugh yourself and the coming day, and he'll smile at you! Train and become the owner of an irresistible smile. Incidentally, among the Hollywood stars most breath-taking smile, according to the magazine Glamour, has Julia Roberts. Inner smile when he smiles it will be easier, you can proceed to more difficult exercise – the development of the inner smile. All Taoist masters speak this art, and therefore retain a positive attitude and good health. You need to close your eyes and begin slowly encircling the eye of their bodies, their inner smile smiling and filling them with the energy of love. This is a strong weapon for total relaxation in a position to eliminate any physical and mental tension. Constant practice helps inner smile is better to feel your internal organs, to notice the problem when they Educational and 'suppress them in the bud. " But what is most surprising, though the inner smile and is hidden from your eyes, it can feel the other. From people who have the ability to "inner smile", as if an invisible light emanates. Such people love and respect, they are successful, accomplished and beautiful!