Posts Tagged ‘business’

Evaluation of Shares

Stocks – it's equity securities, indicating a contribution of a certain sum (shares, stock) in a stock company and giving the right to participate in company profits and the right to vote in general meetings. Market value per share in various size packages will be different. Allocate the following stakes: the controlling stake – the share of stocks, ensuring their dominance of the actual owner of a corporation. Theoretically, a majority shares is not less than half of all voting shares. However, in practice (for wide distribution of shares), a majority are about 20% of the shares. Blocking stake – the share of stock, allowing their owners to veto the decision of the board of directors of the company. Typically, blocking more than a quarter of the shares. The actual control – shares, sufficient for the actual management and control of the company. Typically, the actual control package provides less control. In connection with the same approaches, business valuation and valuation of shares are closely interrelated. Liquidation of the enterprise (SALE all the assets of the company), mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures or the selection of independent enterprises from the holding company involves an assessment of its market, since it is necessary to determine the price purchase / redemption of shares or, for example, the value of premiums paid by the shareholders of the absorbed company. To determine the value of at least one action, it is necessary to conduct market assessments of the business enterprise, and then allocate the cost of interest to us, share (by number of shares) of the total cost. Under estimate the company's business is understood assessment of all without exception his assets: real estate, equipment, vehicles, various rights and liabilities, receivables and payables, intellectual property and so on. Accordingly, the valuation of shares is nothing but a business valuation. In some cases, only an independent appraisal property would make a valid conclusion about the real value of the assets of the enterprise, the share value of the property attributable to the acquired shares, as well as possible future income from the business. Shares divided into marketable (exchange) and unlisted. On quoted shares usually have information on their market value based on actual deals – it's much easier calculation of their value. Accordingly, shares that no buyout on the stock exchange, as a rule, do not have information on the current market value, which is contrary complicates their evaluation. Follow others, such as Dr. John Mcdougall, and add to your knowledge base. Thus, the cost of the evaluation of quoted and unquoted shares vary considerably. Objectives Determining the value of shares in assessing the company's securities, stocks, shares in its capital is needed in cases of various types of transactions with them, such as issuance of securities, repurchase shares from shareholders, the appeal court decision on seizure of property, etc. When , merger, acquisition, takeover, division or allocation of business, independent evaluation will establish a fair balance between the shares Shareholders (participants), reflecting their real property investment in share capital. Determine the market value of property contributed to the charter fund of the company, will allow you to predict the costs associated with tax assets, depreciation and amortization. If among the owners of the reorganized company's present government structure, the independent evaluation of such companies is required by law. It is stated in the Federal Law "On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation ', in Article 8.

Setting Goals

Setting goals is the foundation of the business. Since no clearly defined and properly targets business may cease to exist. And not just a business, in everyday life as well must be properly set priorities and draw up goals, and after a business plan (business concerns), or simply plan for a particular event. You can set a goal: "I want to be rich", "My goal is to bring my business so much money, so I bought a house and car " and such tselee can be many. But this is not a specific goal, they dim and you do not know what you want.

You put on a subconscious level goal: "I want a lot, but I do not know why." Believe Your result will be bankruptcy business broken plans or permanent work, work, work because I thought, you come to a meeting, if you do not know the road. Your goal: "To come to a meeting," such as "My goal is to house and car" or "a lot of money." You do not get to meeting, because you do not even know where to go. To specify the beginning of their goals. And remember that the word "want" less words "will achieve" or "I will" because "I want" this is your desire, a dream, your dream so far. Your goal is a house and car? Put his 2 goals, because they are more achievable individually. For even more details, read what Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City says on the issue. And in general as saying Harold Ginn ceo of itt Corporation When you have many purposes, it is not the goal." Do you and your business must stand on a specific purpose, with fulfilling its need to start to fulfill a new purpose. Take it for a rule. Now the actual planning: "Buy in January 2012 two-story villa on the coast of the Ionian Sea to Italy." You define the target.

You are now exactly 'll know exactly what you want to house on the sea coast in Italy, you can even write a quadrature, the more clearly the purpose of the easier and faster it runs. And in business. You must determine exactly what you want. For example: The purpose of a business: Become one of the 5 biggest real estate agencies in Moscow in 2013. Financial Plan (finn.tsel): an increase in traffic agency by 50% and net profit by 18% from services in the following year. Purpose of marketing: to each year to increase the market share of services in renting the apartments on 5.5% of personal goal (in addition to his business): Become a 2013 head-office Savings Bank branch 2899 (conditioned office) the city of Moscow. Plan to build plans, I suggest you learn the material on time – management, to learn how to plan, prioritize, build the right tree of goals and go for it!

Commercial Agent

In Italy, almost all goods and services bought and sold through agents. Agent chooses an interested party (Client), which is called the 'Principal' – usually a manufacturer (or seller) products / services. The relationship between the Agent and the Principal are made through an agency agreement (mandate). The principal can appoint an agent to perform a special (single or multiple) assignments, as well as for represent the interests of, for example to search for real estate, to provide legal support for the choice of supplier, to provide other professional services. The agent receives a mandate certain powers (in the mandate clearly states the subject of office and remuneration of the Agent).

Remuneration of the Agent is expressed as a percentage of the amount enclosed with the help of the transaction. Source: James A. Levine, M.D.. All agents registered in in the European Union must comply with the EU Directive on 18.12.1986 'On independent sales agents', must register with the Chamber of Commerce and act in accordance with European law on agents. Additional information at Eva Andersson-Dubin supports this article. In Italy, the agent is an independent economic entity and operates independently of the Principal. The agent is no fixed salary, he receives a commission (%) on the deal. Italian and European manufacturers in many sectors economy, constantly searching for agents. The evidence of this – a growing number of internet portals and sites devoted to the search agents and representatives. Some people are under the word 'agent' understands 'mediator', and they in their own way right. However, between the agent and broker, there are some differences. What are these differences? Intermediary – not registered in the Chamber of Commerce – did not enter into an agency agreement with the Principal – can not be Principal Representative – sells its products in its price list agent – registered with the Chamber of Commerce – concludes an agency agreement with the Principal – can be a representative of the Principal – implements products on the price of the manufacturer so different, as you can see, significant. When you find an agent, consider the steps in this article factors and give preference to professionals.

Organizational Development

There were models of B. Scott (1971), J. Greiner (1972), William Torbert (1974), F.

Lidena (1975), I. Adizes (1979), R. Quinn and K. Cameron (1983) and R. Daft. and others. There is also a model of Russian authors – Model E. Emelyanov and S.

Povarnitsyn, G. Shirokova model. The first model, which is still actively used, first appeared in 1972, the American specialist in Management and Economics Larry Greiner (born Larry Greiner) in his work ‘The problems of leadership at the stages of evolution and revolution’ (Eng. ‘Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow’) described the organization as an evolving system and outlined the stages that it passes in its development. A prerequisite for this work was the idea Greiner that the future of the organization are more influenced by its history than by external forces. He got the idea in theory some European psychologists, she says, that behavior is determined by previous events, not future. Transferring this analogy to organizational development, Greiner identifies five stages, must pass through a developing organization: Fig. 1. Model Organizational Development L. Greiner 17 Step 1. ‘Growth through creativity’. Entrepreneur provides a very powerful level of creative drive, trying to embody ‘the idea’ into reality and make the others believe in it. If you can persuade employees to believe in the ‘idea’ and the organization ‘gets into the stream’, the organization begins to grow – increasing the number of orders and thus increase the number of employees.