This " iris of desierto" it has been used during centuries like natural remedy for all the evils inside and outside the body. First in giving the name of Aloe Side Swedish Carl von Linn (Linnaeus) in 1720 was the scientific notable.One is a member of the family of the iris and the majority of the experts thinks that it has been originated in Africa and soon it extended by everybody.It is semi tropical a succulent plant, with the lance in the form of fleshy leaves that have sawed edges. Prosperous better in the barren desert, but it does well in any climate, whenever the temperature stays over zero. Since the plant is resistant, with flowers of interest and medicinal qualities, the aloe side has become a very popular ornamental plant, gaining a place in the windows of many kitchens and the gardens.Also it is cultivated in great scale to supply the increasing cosmetic industry and of taken care of for the health, that uses the natural curative qualities of these plants in a great amount of creams, drinks, balsams, aerosols and lotions. Nobody knows exactly when people began to use the different curative properties from the plant of Aloe Side. Old sumerian texts show to the Aloe Side as a form of laxative. The yellowish latex remainder of the plant of Aloe is known to help to maintain the internal healthy and can be used like a laxative if it is taken by oral route.Old the Egyptians would have used also it in the process of embalsamamiento, as well as taken care of product of of the skin.Also one has inquired into which the beautiful Cleopatra has used the Aloe like a face cream to help to maintain its famous face.The Chinese are also it been using by more than thousand years to deal with everything, from the sines to the diseases of the skin The Aloe draws for the first time attention of the European during the apogee of the Roman era.Dioscrides, the masterful Roman captain of pharmacology was one of the first western ones in describing it in detail and listing its numerous benefits, like laxative and a balsam for the bruises.One became a pillar like curative and laxative balsam during the Average Age with the aid of a dark passage in the New Testament.