Posts Tagged ‘personal development’


An age the lizard and to another age the butterfly, as I always chose difficult ways, I chose the lizard and that voice said I to go to the search of a new life. After two months, when everybody already had lost the hope, I woke up, and said my life I moved. The days if had passed and I improved very to each day, and I arrived a letter saying that he had passed to be doctor surgeon in the hospital of the city, and would receive six a thousand Reals for month I accepted in the hour. When Donna died left its mansion in my name, was changed for house of it. In day fifteen of fourteen and a thousand July two, my first consultation were that a doctor if had cut, were serious, and had asked for to consult I it.

When the doctor arrives at the surgery room, looks at for scared me and asked for excuse for taken care of not having me in the day that I cut myself, I spoke that I accepted the excuse of it. we turn great friends! when everything was good happened a thing that still improved, found Viviane, I asked for in marriage, and it he accepted! After two years, I already had married, had three children, had a house. most important I obtained a new happy, full life of love and peace. This history that I created account a pretty life of Ademir, that fought in such a way to be a medical surgeon who one day its victory arrived and had in end everything what it wanted. It never leaves to fight for a dream, for more difficult than it is, fights, worse goes to be to have that to admit that never it fought for nothing, goes in front goes that the life of Ademir happens equal.