Norm of water consumption per person is one indicator of the effectiveness of housing and utilities. Read more here: patrick matthews. Unfortunately, Russia continues to lag behind in this area of highly developed countries, and yet the cost of cleaning and feeding Water continues to rise. What can also be caused by too high a consumption of water resources in our country? One reason is the significant leakage in the system of aqueducts. In this article we will consider the application of frequency converters at the pumping stations, as one of the measures to reduce the cost utilities. Until now, widespread way to regulate the flow of pump units by throttling the pressure lines and regulation the number of operating units.
Parameter control, as a rule, is the pressure in the pipeline. Learn more at: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. In this case, pumping units are installed on the basis of some of the calculated (predicted) performance of the system. Power pumps are often chosen with an allowance in the big party, to prevent sudden emergencies with the filing. After starting the units continuously work in the flagship mode without fluctuations of flow and water pressure. Even at night time when not required significant effort due to low water consumption, the pumps have to work in the same work pace as during the day, while consuming significant amount of power. The arrival of regulated electric allowed to change signs: Now is not dictated by the conditions of filing the application of a pumping plant, and directly characteristics of the pipeline. Increasingly popular in the world has variable frequency drive with induction motor.