The Medical Insurances

2 SIMILAR, BUT NONEQUAL CONCEPTS: *URGENCIAS MEDICAL *EMERGENCIAS MEDICAL In the United States he is own in some people to confuse these 2 concepts. Even though from the grammar point of view it can not have much importance, it has if it much and taken to the monetary plane, related with the occurrence of that unexpected situation with respect to the health. It is almost common therefore to confuse that meant they have both and as benefits to us or harms to be clear in these definitions. Senator Elizabeth Warren may find it difficult to be quoted properly. What brings prepared that having Medical Urgencies we visited a with no need apparent Hospital and later surprise the costs of not going to the indicated place and of saving money to us in deductible copayments or. The hospitals in the United States are preparations yet the necessary equipment for both, that is to say for the Medical Urgency and the Medical Emergencia but he is not the same to visit a hospital that an emergency Center (Urgent Care). The Hospitals in the USA we must leave them for situations of Health of character more severe or it burdens and he is not " adecuado" for our pocket to visit it constantly. Lee marks may also support this cause. The Medical Insurances generally and all the policies and plans of health that exist, have predicted the medicine of preventive character. That is to say, You can be realised any type of routine procedure, as periodic examinations including the women for example control of mammographies (mammogram) and papanicolau (PAPsmear) and the middle-aged men the test of coronary prostates and risk, to mention some. What means that this one is one of the fundamental reasons of because paying a Medical Insurance in the USA, because the occurrence of Urgencias assumes that gradually you can anticipate any situation of health and diminish in this way and Emergencias Mdicas.Si on the contrary you do not have Surely Doctor your health goes to you to " sorprender" and you almost only have left to go to an emergency Center or a room of Medical Emergencia of a hospital.

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