Berlin-vegan support the good intentions for 2010 the number of vegetarian and vegan living people in Germany is steadily increasing, as the acceptance of a vegan lifestyle. Living vegan means no waiver on quality of life and is not intended to asceticism. To view this interested the Berlin-vegan animal rights Alliance organized the vegan taster weeks 16-January 30, 2010 ( berlin/vegan taster weeks /). Spokeswoman said Stephanie Johanna Goldbach: the lesson includes a cooking class with Bjorn Mosch in ski the vegan gourmet-restaurant La Mano Verde ( and Irina Itschert vegan recipe Portal recipe Fox (, a starter and showroom with vegan products to the test and go try, lectures, discussions, film night, vegan-shopping tour, brunch, restaurant pass with discount, dinner, baking and other workshops, personal coaching, and a closing ceremony with vegan buffet. The vegan taster weeks should also serve to show what influence has the nutrition on health, global resources, ecology and climate change, and of course animal welfare. While we do not expect that the participants finally are vegan; rather we want to contribute to show common prejudices about the vegan diet and lifestyle to reduce and the variety of goods and food services”, so Stephanie Johanna Goldbach.
Vegan Taster Weeks In Berlin